𝐱𝐱𝐱. confrontation

Start from the beginning

Peter shrugged as he said,


Lyla sighed once more before turning around to face her friends.

"So which one of you is going to start?" She asked as she sat down on the common room couch.

Lyla stared at them in anticipation.


"We actually didn't totally plan this part out." James said.

"Yeah, I didn't think we'd get this far." Marlene said.

"Uh rude!" Peter exclaimed.

Regulus rolled his eyes.

"Can we get back to the serious topic at hand?" He said.

Sirius grinned mischievously, but Regulus said,

"Sirius! For the love of Merlin if you make a "serious" joke I will personally rip out your eyes and feed them to you!" He threatened.

"Damn! Remind me you not to piss you off." James said.

"That is the smartest thing I've heard you say Potter."

Lily snorted.

"Sirius, I'm starting to like your brother more and more." She said with a grin.

"I don't know how." Sirius muttered.

Mary, having heard this, laughed quietly. She then looked back at the couch and her eyes went wide.

"Guys!" Mary exclaimed.

"Lyla's gone!"

"What?!" Marlene said as she looked at the now empty couch.

"Where'd the hell she go?!" James yelled as he looked around the room.

They then heard a cough coming from the portrait door.

They turned and saw Lyla leaning against the wall, looking at her nails with a cocky smirk on her face.

"Oh, we're you looking for someone?"

Remus rolled his eyes and said,

"Sit." While pointing to the couch.

She sighed before sitting down with her arms folded across her chest.

"Look Lyla, we just want to talk." Remus said.

"What about?"

"You obviously know what about."

"I really don't." Lyla said with a shrug.

"Lyla-" Lily began softly.

"We wanted to talk to you about your mom."

Lyla shifted uncomfortably.

"What about her?"

"Lyla. Your mom died okay." Sirius said.

"I'm aware."

"And I'm fine."

"Except Ly, you're not." Regulus said with a sigh.

"I am." Lyla said firmly while standing up.

"I've dealt with it."

"By drinking-" Regulus listed.



Lyla stared at the ground, not wanting to meet anyone's eyes.

"Having sex."

"Lyla! That's not dealing with it!"

She finally looked up into Regulus' eyes.

"Regulus, you don't get to judge how I cope with things."

"In fact none of you do!"

"My mom died!"

"None of you know what that's like." Lyla said on the verge of tears.

"None of us?" Remus spoke up.

Lyla looked into his light brown eyes.

"Lyla, believe me I get it."

"Or did you forget that my mom died too."

"No I didn-"

"Lyla, you're right. We don't have a right to judge you, but do have a right to interfere when we see you ruining yourself!"

"You don't think it's hurting us too. Watching you in pain knowing that we can't do anything!"

"Lyla! It fucking sucks!" Remus yelled, tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

"Lyla, we just want to help." Lily said with tears in her eyes.

"We just want you to be okay." Marlene said sympathetically.

"Well you can't, and I'm not." She said.

"I'm not fine."

"Well I mean obviously not. My mother's fucking dead." Lyla said with a small chuckle.

"My mom's dead." She said with a shrug as tears started streaming down her cheeks.

Lyla tried to wipe them away.

"Oh my god." She said with a laugh as tears continued streaming.

"I keep crying."

"Why won't I stop crying."

"Lyla-" James began.

"No! They keep coming!"

"Why won't they stop coming down!" Lyla yelled as the tears kept on coming down her face.

"I just want them to stop!"

"I just want them to stop!" Lyla pleaded.

She ran her hands through her hair.

"Lyla-" Remus said, his heart breaking watching her in this state.

"I just want it to stop!"

"I don't want to feel this anymore!" Lyla said while sobbing.

"I hate it!"

"It hurts!"

"Just please make it stop, make the pain go away!" Lyla said as she collapsed to the floor. Knowing that no amount of jokes from Marlene and James, no amount of hugs from Alice and Lily, no soothing words from Remus, no amount of sweets from Peter, no hugs and warm embraces from Regulus and Sirius, could ever make the pain and grief go away.

Knowing that no matter what, she would never get her mom back.

"My mom is dead." Lyla admitted as she continued to sob on the ground.

Everyone watched her break down, not knowing what to do, cause no matter what they did, it wouldn't help make her feel better.

Sirius sighed and walked over to Lyla.

He sat down next to her and the floor and put his arm around her.

He kissed the top of her head as she leaned into his embrace.

Sirius pulled her into his chest as she clutched his shirt and sobbed into it.

And so she sobbed, she continued to sob.

Finally letting it out, finally excepting the fact that this effected her greatly.

Lyla had lost the first person who had ever cared about her. The person who was always there before she met all of her friends at Hogwarts.

Lyla had lost her entire world, and she didn't know how she was going to ever recover.

But buried deep down in the depths of her heart, she had a sliver of hope. Hope that she would be alright, that she would finally be happy again, and for now that was enough.

Merry Early Christmas, if you celebrate. If not Happy Holidays! Hope you all have a great day celebrating! <33

𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐒; remus lupin¹Where stories live. Discover now