chapter | 71

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──────L U D I C R O U S [ chapter 71 • home ]──────

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[ chapter 71 • home ]

"DID YOU SLEEP at all?"

"Yep." I nod, turning my head slightly to face Evelyn. "Got a solid 15 minutes. Best sleep I've ever gotten."

Evelyn smirks at me. "Wow, that nap didn't do you any justice. You still look like shit."

Rolling my eyes, I stick my middle finger at them just as the engine's roar dies down, and the plane lands roughly on the runway.

"Home sweet home," I mutter, shifting my gaze to the window, staring out onto the runway. There wasn't a cloud in sight, and the sun was belting down on us.

I unclip myself from the seatbelt holding me down and stretch my limbs while getting up. We grab our suitcases and walk down the incline onto the cobble platform. Walking through the doors, my eyes seek out and see the airport is full of wailing babies, bored teenagers charging their phones, and snoring old men. We walk through the crowds of people, who part to let us through like the Red Sea.

It took some time to move past people who were more like obstacles I swirl around rather than encounter and overcome.

Evelyn and I head outside the airport, and I squint ever so slightly at the bright rays of sunlight. Evelyn grins at me while sliding on their sunglasses. "Feels good to be home," They say, looping their arm with mine.

Evelyn had left our hometown the summer before junior year and hadn't returned. They shared a similar home story to Bella's, which is why the two connected so well. The only reason why Evelyn was returning home again was for me. I couldn't step foot in this town alone.

A small smile works its way onto my face.  "Yeah," I mutter, gripping tightly onto the handle of my suitcase.

Staring out ahead of me, my stomach churned as realization dawned upon me, I'm back home, and there's no turning back.



This is the longest car drive I've ever been in. Evelyn is speaking, and I hum every once in a while to show I'm paying attention. With my head leaning against the window, I watch as the places I spent most of my childhood blur past.

A sudden ache pangs in my chest; God, how much I missed this place. Especially the people here.

The über turns into my street, and it seems like nothing has changed after being away, but in reality, it has, and I don't know if I'm ready to come face to face with those changes. The über comes to a halt, stopping in front of my old childhood home.

I stare down at the house, chewing on my bottom lip. "Is it too late to head back to New York?" I mumble, turning towards Evelyn, pleading with them.

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