9. I want to make this story enjoyable for guys and girls of all ages, whether your part of any fandom or not, so plz when after reading a chapter, leave a comment to tell me if there is anything inconvenient or not. But don't go on saying "This chapter Sucks!" or something, such comments will be deleted...

10. Again things like love, horror, etc. might happen a few times in the series, but it will not be frequent. The main categories in this story are: Fantasy, Adventure, and Comedy. 

11. Question: Do you want me to show you how the main charas will look like in real life? Ikyu: In other words, a cast? Me: Not really, I'll use google pics and put them in the multimedia cuz I'm not really familiar with that many celebrities to make an actual cast. So what's ya'r ans? Ikyu: If the ans is yes, help is always much appreciated since mistress is a bit clueless about these things. Me: I-k-y-u~ Ikyu: Okay, I'll stop, chill (^w^")

12. Last note before moving to prologue, Again I might use characters from stories i read in wattpad but i will say to whom the characters respectively belong in the end of the chapter and also ask the owners permission, so yeah excuse me <3 Ikyu: She said this and the other note twice because they are very important ;3


Prologue (i bet you are all like "FINALLY!")

I opened my eyes and blinked, not once but twice, only to be met by total darkness. It was very relaxing as I closed my eyes feeling the moist darkness slip through my fingers as I was ready to go back to sleep when a brain wrecking ringing started.

I yelled out in pain letting out a bunch of bubbles out of my mouth that echoed my cry again and again every single time a bubble popped. I snapped my eyes open and the ringing stopped suddenly. Okaaay, so I'm not allowed to sleep right now? I sighed letting out another bubble out of my mouth.

I slowly touched it with my finger to let it pop, echoing my words over and over again. I laughed at that, letting out even more bubbles. Those always made me feel better for some reason. As I stopped laughing, I started looking around.

I was apparently floating in dark black space, as if I was in the depth of the ocean. This place again. I sighed, this time the echoes failed to make me laugh. Will I see another scene from that girl and boy? I wonder who's showing me this and why? I brushed my empty thoughts aside as I started swimming around in the strange space.

I looked all around me trying to find the glowing strings I saw the last time I came to this place. I'm not really sure what those strings meant either, but they were the only thing I could search for in this empty black space.

Something shone from the corner of my eyes, so I turned around and squinted hard. I couldn't really tell what it was from this distance so I dived right to it. The closer I got, the more I could make out several thin lines, in all sizes and colors. The strings! Before I knew it, I was completely surrounded by the strings.

I looked around at the many beautiful and curly strings, wondering which to grab onto first this time around. I giggled as I felt a string tickle my back. As my giggles echoed, I turned around and caught the guilty string. It was a deep purple colored string.

A weird feeling started to bubble up inside of me. And the longer I caught onto the purple string the more that weird feeling increased. Though there was one thing that I did know about it, it was the fact that I loathed that feeling.

2. A Miraculous Life: One's DreamМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя