Motherly bounds

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        6 months had passed since  Catra the new queen of half moon had taken the throne in such passing time she and Adora had wed. The Magicat queen had found herself with kitten she rubs her stomach proudly as she wanders the halls of her palace. Inside her the new wielder of the fire element is taking form of a young princess. Adora smiles proudly at her pregnant wife excitedly awaiting the bundle of joy's arrival. Etheria was still in war but the queen of halfmoon had hidden her kingdom away from her enemies the horde. Shadow Weaver wanted Catra's head by this point in time but the kingdom of Halfmoon was safe for another day.
      " Hey don't worry babe the horde won't find us as long as we keep the cloaking device activated." Adora says walking over to her pacing wife.
        " Huh????- Oh it's not that Adora it's the kitten the will be born soon I can feel it any day now Magicat pregnancies are different than other etherians you know." A heavily pregnant Catra turns to her much taller wife.
           " Yeah; I know honey but is there something else on your mind?" The blonde princess arches her brow.
         Catra sighs and looks at Adora with her Heterochromic eyes giving her a sad smile. " I just want our kitten to be safe is all."
          " And we will my love we will keep them safe from the Horde and from Shadow Weaver." Adora places her finger under her wife's chin.
      Catra hisses at the name Shadow weaver as she doubles over in pain. Her laboring pains starting already.
       " Adoraaa....... I-I think the kitten is coming!!!!!!" Catra hisses in pain as Adora scoops her up and takes her to the royal birthing chambers then rushes off to find the midwife.
            After a while the new princess by the name of  Tracy Meowria Chocolateshakekitty Meowmeow is born. Catra holds the kitten tears of joy and beads of sweat pouring down her face. The new born kitten cries out hungrily as The queen gives her a bottle of warm goat's milk. In turn the newborn Meowria eagerly accepts the warm bottle. Catra hums softly to sooth the newborn to sleep as she holds her in her arms protectively her motherly instinct kicked into over drive.
       " She's perfect Catra....." Adora cries tears of joy as Meowria wraps her hand around the blonde's finger.
            " She's beautiful her eyes are yellow I am surprised she looks mostly like me but darker fur hmmm I wonder......" The proud new Magicat mother purrs.
         The royal couple smile proudly at their daughter the new princes of Halfmoon. A feast is held in the grand hall to celebrate the new princess's arrival to the world. Though Meowria could not see real well at this time she could hear the familiarities of the voices of her mothers. She would not stay small for long as her weight doubles in size from all the rich milk she is fed. News of the new princess's arrival spreads wide throughout Eitheria making their way to even the pointed eared witch herself.
       " So you think you can keep your little kitten safe do you catra? Well well looks like we have done this before it's all coming together as planned soon All of Etheria will bow TO THE HORDE!!!!!" The masked enchantress narrows her eyes tapping on the black garnet with her long talon like nails.
The wicked sorceress of lies had done this little sick game once before it was her plan to do it again changing history for good. She floats over to her potion bowl and searches for catra and her daughter throughout all of planet to no avail. Shadow Weaver throws things in anger just as force captain Lonnie walks into her chamber.
       " Hordak wishes to see you right away Shadow Weaver." The braided teen bows then walks out of the room an eye patch now covering her left eye where she had lost it in battle.
              " Tell Hordak if he wishes to see me I am far to busy." The Sorceress brushes off the invasive intruder.
              Not even five minutes goes by when Shadow Weaver finds herself in a choke hold in Lord Hordak's clutches. " Are you forgetting one crucial detail?....... I GAVE YOU YOUR POWER I CAN TAKE IT AWAY WHEN I SEND FOR YOU YOU OBEY I OWN YOU!!!!!"
       " Y- yes my lord it won't happen again....." The sorceress chokes out as she gasps for air.
       " Good don't let it happen again." Hordak releases his grip on the woman of shadow's neck before tossing her against the wall leading to her falling into unconsciousness.

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