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"Well, we talked about nothing really" I lied as Loki silently played with his fingers, "He just showed me around the lab and stuff"

"And what else? Just a tour around the lab?"

"I mean, we talked a little about me being a business owner."

"Uh huh, and what about when he found out about your powers?"

My eyes widened, "how did you know that?"

"I didn't until you just told me" He looked as if he successfully cheated on a test- his lips curled up into a devious smirk.

"You sneaky bastard" I said playfully, You tricked me!"

"I'm the God of Mischief darling, it's kind of my thing" 

He stood and cracked his neck and knuckles before looking down at me, "How did he find out?"

"Security footage from when we arrived."

The God nodded and rubbed his chin, signaling he was thinking.

"He's a nosy son of a bitch. I'm not surprised he acted on his suspicions"

"I mean, can we blame him? We did appear out of thin air. He probably thought there was some type of security breach"

He shrugged, "My point still stands. He's still a nosy son of a bitch"

I rolled my eyes and laid back on the bed. The mattress was extremely comfortable and I just wanted to curl up under the covers and go to sleep.

"Nosy or not, he agreed to not bring up my powers. I still prefer to have the avengers think I'm just a regular mortal"

"Right. You don't want to be bombarded with questions." He recalled

"Exactly. Especially questions about where I'm from"

"Álfheim is a beautiful planet though"

"It is indeed, but my ex and parents were not good people. I'm not ready to talk about that"

"You don't have to. You aren't obligated to reveal anything about your past to anyone. If you wanted, you could reveal your powers and keep it at that." He pointed out while stretching and laying at the bottom of the bed.

He was right. I tend to use my powers for little tasks such as cleaning the dishes or putting clothes away. Keeping my powers a secret could only lead to someone catching me then them seeing me as being oddly secretive.

It would do no harm, and could make things a bit easier. And maybe some of them could help me learn more about my powers.

"I guess it's not a big deal" I chuckled, "Maybe I'll just tell one person and it'll travel amongst the rest of the people who don't know"

"If you wanna do it that way, tell my brother" he joked. I laughed and slightly nudged him with my foot.

"Don't talk about Thor. He's a sweetheart"

"He's a pain in my ass" Loki groaned

"But he loves you" I grinned, "and you love him"

"Yes, I suppose so. Though, my brother and I's relationship has never been smooth sailing"

"Yeah, because you set him up on the day he was to become king, right?"

"That's correct, but-"

"Then you faked your death and attacked New York. Then you helped him out with fighting Malekith but you faked your death again. THEN he found you pretending to be your father and you both ended up having to fight your sister when Ragnarok happened" I summarized

".....are we talked about a lot on your planet?" He asked with a yawn

"Oh yes, y'all were our Love and Hip Hop"

I sat up and looked at Loki (who was starting to doze off a little)

"I wish I had a sibling" I admitted, making him open his eyes

"Siblings can be a pain, but I would not trade my brother for anything. Just don't tell him that"

"Yeah...It would be nice to have a sibling. Actually, it would be nice to have a family. A family that loves one another. My family dynamic ran on hate. They hated me"

I quickly covered my mouth when I realized I was talking too much, "I'm sorry. I was just sitting here talking about how I didn't wanna talk about my past and here I am blabbing about it"

I quickly got out Loki's bed and whispered a goodnight to him. It's embarrassing how fast I retreated to my room.

"Gods, I talk too fucking much" I groaned while laying on my bed and allowing myself to fall asleep.


... She opened up to me

And I....cared.

I actually cared about another being's feelings.

What is she doing to me?


Sorry for mistakes 💚

|Infatuation| *Loki BWWM*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang