Part 1

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A couple years ago there use to be a family that lived in this house actually it was bigger then a normal size house it was huge. but anyway who lived in this house was a mother, father, son and daughter. they were a very happy family. never were mad at each other were always happy. everyone around town known them very well too. the town wasn't very big either. so you pretty much knew everybody there. or if something bad happened everyone would hear about it. Like that one day when something hapened to this family. the Styles family. everyone was in the house was asleep. until one of them heard a noise coming from downstairs and he wanted to know was going on. so Harry (the son) grabbed a bat and snuck downstairs and was about to walk into the kitchen until he heard voices coming from there so he stopped and stayed where he was at not making a sound. he could hear them talking about robbing his house, so he walks slowly backwards and hides in the closet as quietly as he could. the only thing he could hear was his heartbeat it felt like it was getting louder and louder every second. then it stopped when he heard the people again and they were right outside the door. he tried to hide further into the closet but that didn't work at all cause when he moved back stuff fell off shelves. then it got real quiet again then the door swings open and there they both were smirking down at him. one of the guys grabs ahold of Harry arm and pulls him out of the closet then shoves him to the ground. harry tries to get back up, but one of the guys held him there. then the guy that was holding him down told the other one to go get the others ones. he runs upstairs and he yells for everyone to get up. then makes them come downstairs and makes them sit on the floor. Harry dad tries to say something but the guy that woke them up hit him with a crowbar he had. he hit him repeatedly over and over again until his body layed there lifeless. Harry mum and sister were crying and was begging them to stop and that they would give them whatever they wanted. but no that wasn't what the wanted. the guy points a guns right at both at Harry mum and his sister. Harry yells no and he gets hit with the crowbar and at the same time thats when the guns go off. there lay lifeless his family. tears start to well up in his eyes and start to run down his face. the guy with the crowbar hits harry a couple more time until he was out. he wasn't killed like the rest of his family was. after a couple hours later Harry woke up downstairs in his basement it was dark. he couldn't see anything then a light turns on and he sees the two guys standing there with smiles on their faces then Harry realizes there is a rope around his neck. he begged and pleaded saying he would never tell anyone about them, but they shook their heads and the guy by the rope pulled it and harry tried getting out of it but it was no use. less then an hour later his and his family bodies were bury somewhere where no one would find them then the two guys just disappeared. A couple days later someone came to their house it was their butler they had. He unlocks the door and as soon as he walks in he knew something wasn't right. He walks in yelling the family names but they didn't answer. He walks into living room and looks around. As soon he took a step forward he felt something wet under his foot. he looks down and sees the blood everywhere. he goes into the kitchen and grabs the Phone and dials the police. The police comes as fast they can and they also brought some detectives with them too. they look around the house to find any other clue and they do find another clue. it was down in the basement. there hung from the ceiling was the rope that hung Harry. there was a puddle of blood on the floor that looked fresh still they take some sample and the detectives and the police left. but before they do they tell their butler about him leaving this house. Which he does he packs his stuff and leaves it for good. they had the case open for awhile but they could never find out who did it so they just close the case. they had a funeral for the Styles family and that was it. no one talked about it after that. a couple weeks later at the house something strange happened. one night that blood downstairs in the basement absorbed into the floor boards then out of no where a ghost was formed right there and it just wasn't any ghosts it was the son Harry Styles. he was by himself in that house for at 10,20 years before a family of mother, father and a beautiful daughter bought this house to live in.

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