Izumi and Her Past

Start from the beginning

Inko then takes Izumi out of her car seat and unbuckles her.

Izumi then jumps out of the car and she grabs her mom's hand and then smiles up to her mom and says, thank you mommy with a brighter smile

Inko then chuckles and says, your welcome my little artist with a smile

Izumi then starts to laugh and chuckle while her mom is making jokes while they walk into the office.

The person at the front desk says, Good Morning Magic how are you this morning?

Inko then says, I'm doing fine how about you Anema, with a slight smile

Anema then smiles and says, im doing well and hi little Izumi,How are you doing?

Izumi then gives Anema a slight smile and says, im fine, thank you for asking Mrs.Anema

Anema then says, Your welcome dear also your quirk check up is gonna be in 5-10 minutes so here take a peice of candy, a bag of chips and a juice box and go play or you can draw if you like, she ended if with a slight bright smile.

Izumi then takes a grape jolly rancher,hot cheetos and a caprisun and went to sit down to practice drawing.

Inko then tells Anema, Thank you for setting this appointment for us and being nice to us, you are a really good person Anema, Inko then smiles.

Anema eyes sparkle and then smiles bright as the sun and says, Your welcome Magic have a good day!

Inko then smiles again and goes to sit next to Izumi and started talking about all the different quirks Izumi can get.

(5-10 minutes)

The quirk doctor comes in and says, Is Magic and Izumi here?

Inko then stands up and says, Yup that's me and my little bunny

Izumi then stand up and goes behind her moms leg holding it and does a little wave to the quirk doctor.

The quirk doctor then says, follow me to the quirk room and we'll figure out your quirk!

Inko then says , thank you with a slight smile and then tells Izumi to hold her hand.

Izumi then comes from behind her mom's leg and hold her hand and then Inko and Izumi start following the quirk doctor to the quirk testing center.

(15 seconds later)

They all get the the quirk center and Izumi and Inko sit next to eachother and about to start the test.

The quirk doctor then turns around and says, im gonna give you a shot on your right arm, it might hurt a little bit okay, the doctor ends with a slight smile.

Izumi then nods and puts her right arm for the doctor to giver her the shot.

Inko is nervous because as a child she use to hate needles and cries after time she got a shot.

The quirk doctor then counts down to three and puts the needle in and then takes it out fast and easy.

Izumi don't even flinch or make a sound.

Inko was surprised that Izumi didn't make a noise but she wasn't really shocked, Izumi was a really quiet and shy kid but also is a good and nice kid.

The quirk doctor then says, wow you don't even flinch or make a noise, who do you want to be when you grow older.

Izumi then looks at her mom and chuckles and says, i wanna be like my mommy when I grow up with a smile that can make somebody blind.

Inko then smiles and says, awww baby i don't want you to become me, i want you to become better then me with a slight smile and then pulls Izumi onto her lap and start tickling her.

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