Chapter 3: The Ravenclaw and the Hufflepuff

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"Quiet, Mr Weasley!" Madam Pince scolded from behind you, making you jump.

Fred shook his head, his face showing exaggerated disappointment, "you're a madwoman, Y/L/N."

You smiled to yourself as you flipped open one of your new books, "but for some reason you like me anyway, Fred."

He grew slightly quiet at that but before you could say anything else, he agreed with you, "yeah, for some reason I do, even if you can be a git."

You bumped your shoulder against his, "I know you'd rather swim in a swamp than write this, but we only have two days to get it done, so you'd better make a start on it."

He nodded in agreement before his face lit up, then he spontaneously swung his arm around your neck and planted a loud kiss onto the side of your head, "Y/N you're absolutely brilliant! Now THAT'S an idea! Georgie, wake up-" he leaned across the table and yanked George's wrist from where it was supporting his sleeping head, causing his head to fall and jerk him awake.

"AH-" George yelped in fright, earning an angry shush yet again from the librarian, Fred quickly reached into his bag and pulled out a sheet of fresh parchment before he stood up and moved around the table to sit beside George, and within seconds they were whispering animatedly while sketching something onto the parchment.

Meanwhile, you were sitting still with wide eyes and fighting a blush. You absentmindedly reached up and brushed your fingers against your hair where Fred had excitedly kissed your head, but then you caught yourself and mentally shook yourself out of whatever train of thought you were having and turned back to your books. You didn't know what you were feeling but you didn't like it because this was Fred, your best friend, Fred. There was nothing going on between you, and nothing would, because you were friends and that's all. So then why were you blushing at the friendly kiss on the head that obviously didn't mean anything?

While you were having your crisis about Fred, you didn't notice how the boy in question was dealing with his own internal upheaval. Fred looked up at you from where he was sitting across the table beside George who was labelling a diagram on their shared parchment. He hadn't even registered what he'd done until he'd sat down with George, he put it down to being comfortable around you and excited about the new idea, because that's all it was, wasn't it? He was thirteen-years-old, he shouldn't be thinking about that rubbish until he was at least thirty, right? At least that's what he told himself while he sat there with his ears tinged in pink and with heat rising up his neck. So he mentally boxed away any confusing feelings to never be looked at again and cleared his throat, turning his attention back to their new invention plan.


Fred frequently sent you notes during class on any spare scrap of parchment he could find, if he could get away with it without being caught. He passed you a note during Potions class halfway through your third year, which was a mistake he sorely regretted when Snape snatched it from his hand.

"Mr Weasley, your lack of observation and attention appalls me," Snape said in his monotone voice, before he unfolded the parchment and read aloud to the class: "Do you like my hair? I grew it out a bit over the summer."

He lowered the parchment and looked directly at Fred who looked mortified. Your secondhand embarrassment was making you flush and you covered your eyes with your hands and willed the moment to be over, which of course it wasn't.

Snape spoke again, "I assume this was an attempt at seeking validation from Miss Y/L/N," you jumped in surprise at the mention of your name and dropped your hands from your face. You looked up at Snape whose narrowed eyes were now focused on you, "but may I remind you, Mr Weasley, that my class is not the time nor place for you to act on your schoolboy crush. Now open your books."

Yours, Fred | f. weasley x readerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora