Ophelia ran as fast as her legs could take her. Ignoring the wind burning against her pale cheeks, the tears that once blocked her view danced their way down her face as her body lifted off the ground in one small leap, arms wrapping tightly around Rafe's neck.

Neither had said a word. Complete silence filled the air as Rafe nuzzled his head deep into the crook of Ophelia's neck, the faint smell of coconut and vanilla wafting through his nose as his damp eyes batted against the skin of her neck.

His arms wrapped strongly around her waist, holding her as close as possible, afraid if he had let go, his worst fears would become reality and she would be gone with the wind.

And then she moved, ever so softly, keeping her place against the boy's hard chest as her hand fell down to her side, finding way to his, where her own fingers played with the cool metal of his ring.

Rafe sighed softly, his eyes peeling open to reveal her bright green eyes starring up at him, her cheeks full of colour as his free hand made way to the side of her face. "My Ophelia." He spoke softly, his eyes softening at the sight of his girlfriend.

"Listen to me." Ophelia spoke softly, her hands finding way to Rafe's face, engulfing his flushed cheeks in the palms of her hand. "Ward and my dad, they saved you. They saved us." Ophelia spoke softly, Rafe remaining still as he held Ophelia close against his chest. "I need you to let me protect you now, Rafe."

What once was a soft and gentle hold turned sinister, Rafe's arms knocking Ophelia backwards as her hands fell limp to her sides, his own hands claiming either side of her face. Her eyes, growing wide, Rafe's head titled to the side, ever so gentle, his stare narrowing in on the dark haired beauty he had loved so much.

"No, no no." Rafe laughed gently, his tight hold having Ophelia bat her eyes up towards the boy. "You see, O. I will die before I ever stop protecting you." Ophelia remained silent, her lips pressed into a thin line.

"When I was in there," He motioned behind the pair, "My head was filled with thoughts of you. Thoughts of you naked, thoughts of you next to me like the good little girl you are because, because you would do anything for me."

Ophelia nodded, softly, yet surely, knowing his words were true. "The things I would do, Ophelia, don't compare to what you have seen. I had a lot of time to think, baby girl, and let me tell you what I came up with."

Pressing himself into Ophelia, the girl let out a soft gasp, his hands wrapping around the base of her throat, his free hand trailing alongside her cheekbones. "This world is nothing without you in it. You are going to marry me. You will one day have my children. You will be with me forever because if you aren't, I'm afraid of what I might do."

Silence over took the pair, Ophelia's eyes never leaving Rafe's as her hands cupped either side of his face, her lips pressing to his ever so softly.

"You will never know what it's like to be without me." Ophelia whispered against the sensitive skin belonging to Rafe's lips, which then curled up wards. "Don't worry. I know." He replied, ever so calm, ever so stature.

Being torn away from the girl he loved not once, but twice, had him come to a realization. No matter what it took, Rafe would be there for Ophelia. To protect, to love, to comfort, to shield from all the hurt in this world, because without her, he was nothing -

nothing but a field of energy that portrayed nothing but darkness. Without Ophelia, Rafe was a force to be reckoned with.

Though with her, the girl at his side, he was much more than terrifying. Rafe Cameron was built up on pent up aggression and resentment towards his father. Rafe Cameron was not only fighting for his life, but for Ophelia's, and all of Outer Banks knew there was nothing more horrifying than Rafe Cameron trying to protect Ophelia Martin.

It wasn't what he would do, but the blank, empty list of all the things he wouldn't do.

There was absolutely nothing in this world that Rafe Cameron wouldn't do to protect Ophelia, and she would be held captive under his watch until he knew this was all over with.

Rafe, extending his neck ever so slightly, tightened his grip on Ophelia's neck as he slammed his lips against her own, parting them with his tongue, that was warm to the touch. He kissed her roughly, making up for lost time, and she happily obliged.

As long as the kissed had last, the small pale metaphoric string Ophelia had tied around Rafe's finger knowing she held a hold on him slowly came undone, Rafe taking back his power once and for all.

"Let's go home, baby."

─ ☆°•.¸☆¸.•°☆ ─

Author's Note

Ahh! It's been so long and I am so sorry! 

I am trying to drag this out as much as possible. I am so sorry for such a short and boring chapter, but I tried to make a filler before some tension and much anticipated scenes!

I love each and every single one of you so much. I can't tell you enough.

Thank you for over 1 Million Reads. I owe you the world.


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