- guitars and dirt holes -

Comenzar desde el principio

I could hear his shouts of protest and anger as I ran into the van, closing the door with my back to the inside as my chest rose and sank rapidly.

A chill ran cold down my spine as a hand was placed on my back, slowly turning around.

The brunette smiled at me, glasses almost falling off his nose as he pushed them up. He looked like he hadn't slept at all,

"Hello there."

It was Wilbur. He wasn't in that eyesore of a uniform anymore, but a mustard-yellow sweater and black sweatpants. His eyebags were prominent, the glint in his eyes tired but happy.

My shoulders semi-relaxed, standing up straight and going back to open the door.

"im sorry for interrupting you, i'll go now-"

"No no! You can stay! It's quite early, isn't it?"

I sigh, nodding a bit. I let go of the door knob, making him smile. He led me over to a different part of the van, showing brewing stands and a crafting table or two.

"This is where we make dr- potions, I've been at it all night, ahah."

He chuckled, leaning on one of the counters. He nearly missed and slipped, hand holding onto the table for balance.

"..you should really get some sleep, wilbur. you look like you're gonna collapse."

He laughed, using his free hand to push back his hair. He grinned, head tilted upwards. I didn't understand what he found funny about that.

"Come, come take a walk with me then I'll sleep. I wanted to ask you a few things anyways."

My brows furrowed in slight worry for the man, even if we barely knew eachother. But I couldn't just say no, it felt rude to deny his request.

He took note of my hesitation, before seeing my nod of agreement and walking off to another door, grabbing what seemed to be a guitar and strapping it on his back before leading me out the back door.

We began to walk, and walk, all the way until we were out of.. wherever we were, and in a thick forest.

"You never introduced yourself to us yesterday."

"im y/n, and im 12. tommy kept yelling about how he wasn't the youngest anymore."

He slightly cringed at his name, continuing to walk us to who knows where.

"Where did you come from, exactly?"

I walked in silence for a moment as I felt his eyes on me.

"meadows, flower fields really? does explain the whole allium thing."

He laughed and nodded, stopping me. We were stood on a hill, covered in flowers. He sat down and brung me with him, my cow-like legs stretching out in the grass and flowers, careful not to crush any.

"Do you have any parents? I'd love to meet them."

He questioned, pulling the guitar off his back and into his lap as he tuned it. He looked so at peace, so much more natural than yesterday.

"dunno. lived by myself, used to have siblings, but they left."

I stared at the coarse fur on my legs, tracing the purple spotted patterns as Wilbur looked at me with concern.

"They left you? Or are they no longer with us?"

"it's okay, you can say it. they're probably dead, or just somewhere without me."

I laughed a bit. It was a sad truth, really. He sat up, scooting closer next to me.

"You can stay here. With m-.. with us. We can take care of you."

I wiped my eyes a bit, looking up at him. I felt so dumb crying in-front of people I barely knew.

"if there could be more nights like this, than maybe."

Wilbur put his guitar down, putting an arm around me. This time, I let it happen.

I laughed a bit more, hiccuping as i brought my legs closer to my chest. I could feel a little ball growing in my throat, choking me up.

I leaned onto him, continuing to laugh. I could hear my laughter pausing and dropping a bit, tears stinging my eyes.

Wilbur shushed me gently, rocking a bit from side to side as I began to sob. Just talking about the topic of family put a feeing of dread in me.

wilbur's pov .

I was sitting there, arm around y/n. I could basically feel my heart leaping from my chest, the feeling of them being dependent on me just felt so.. right?

There's definitely something wrong with me. Really, I just met them, but there's just something so right with this situation.

Their tears felt like lava to me, it hurt me maybe even more than it hurt them. But them being so trusting with me made me feel so fuzzy inside.

I held them close to me, lulling them softly as they began to drift off. It was surprising how quickly they had gotten tuckered out.

god, tomorrow would be interesting. i plan on having nights like these a lot.

-1315 words-

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