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"You have to be strong princess, okay? There's a lot of bad guys that want to take you away from us to you need to learn how to protect yourself, alright?" My dad spoke softly, and despite my fear, I slowly nodded.

He kissed my forehead as he gave me the pistol.

Me, shaking, tried to aim the gun to the target. A dead bird my dad catched. He's a trained assasin, and he built his own empire, which I didn't understand, because I was 12.

"Where's Taeyong-oppa?" I asked, worried about my brother.

"He's with momma, now come on princess you can do it." My dad encourages, as he helped me aim the gun.

I took a deep breath, and pulled the trigger, and despite my shaky aim, I perfectly shot the dead bird.

"Perfect, honey! How can you be this good already?!" My Dad clapped in amusement, and took the gun away, before hugging me.

And before I could even say anything, the doors bursted open, revealing my Mom, my older brother Taeyong, and some of my Dad's men.

Taeyong quickly comes to me and hugged me, covering my ears.

But even with my ears covered,I heard gunshots and rifles from the outside, following a big explosion, making the ground vibrate.

I started to cry from fear, as I didn't know what's happening.

"Shh.. Shh Mia don't cry its gonna be okay." My brother whispered, as I watched my parents get armed, and then looking at me and Taeyong.

"Taeyong, no matter what happens you're protecting your sister, alright? Get as far as you can, don't worry about Mommy and Daddy, alright? My men will follow you. Now come on big guy show Dad what I thought you." My father calmly said but the fear in his eyes is still visible.

"Yes dad." My brother Taeyong, only sixteen, grabbing a pistol.

"What's going on Dad?" I asked, panicking with the sight of my father and his men gathering around and hearing those gunshots in the background.

"Nothing, sweetheart. But promise Dad one thing," He lowered himself down to my level and looked at me in the eyes.

"Always stick to your brother's side. Alright?" He held my chin upwards as he said those words.

"I promise." I shakingly answered to him.

"Good, I love you both." Dad gave me a warm smile, giving me a hint of comfort amidst the chaos that is going on in the background.

My mom walked towards me and Taeyong, hugging us both.

"Always be there for each other, my babies. As long as you two are together, no one can hurt you, got that?" She whispered.

"My Taeyong-ie, you're a man now. I know you'll protect your sister but don't forget about yourself okay?" She kissed Taeyong on the cheeks and faced me.

"My princess.." I saw a tear fall down her cheeks as she kissed my forehead.

"Be strong. You're NCT's princess, don't let anyone hurt you. I love you both. Now go. Don't look back." Her final words before walking away.

Taeyong quickly obeyed and grabbed my hands, holding it tightly as we both ran out to the back exit.

But before we disappear from the room, I turned my head to take a glance at my parents. I saw dozens of tattooed men ambush the room that we were once in, and shot my parents and their men in plain sight.

"T-taeyong! Mom and Dad got shot!" I shouted in fear. Yet, my brother didn't stop running, instead he looked at me.

"Do as mom said. Don't look back." He tried to look strong, yet the tear running in his cheeks says otherwise.

I held my breath and closed my eyes, continuing to run with my brother.

That was the last time I saw my parents.

We arrived at the back gate of our mansion, and there was a helicopter with our butler, Mr. Dean waiting for us. He bowed to both of us before letting us in.

As the helicopter rises, I heard a couple more explosions that made me startled. My brother noticed that and scooched over to my side, giving me a blanket to cover my cold self with.

"Don't worry Mia, no one's gonna hurt you." He said while rubbing my arms.

"Master Taeyong, the NCT corporation is on you now. Your father wanted you to have a choice in your life. You can leave and start a new with your sister, or you can lead and continue your father's legacy. I know its a tough decision for a sixteen year old but no one--" Taeyong cut off Mr. Dean.

"I will not let my father's legacy die, Dean. He sacrificed everything for it and I'm not gonna let him down. My parents died protecting NCT so leaving it would be the last thing I'll do." He coldly said.

"But you and you're sister are the most wanted people right now, every mafia is gonna be looking for the last heir of NCT. Your sister could get h--"

"I'm not gonna let anyone touch my sister, Dean. I will die protecting this family. I'm not scared because I know, that I will build NCT again and make it the biggest mafia organization that no one will dare to even lay a finger on us."

And he did.


A/N: I know, a bit short but hey that's a backstory for you guys <3

suits & guns - j.jh [hiatus] [editing]Where stories live. Discover now