Chapter 3

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Days passed, Sanzu never stops annoying you even if you push him away. He always appears every where. He would be in front of you before you even know, he would ask you to have lunch with him..

Dinner, hang out, and many more. But your responses are always..


"Come on, not even this once?" He said, whining, as he has you trapped in his arms while your back is against the wall.

"Look, I don't even know what's up with you.. stop bothering me, there's so many girls out there!"

"They're not as interesting as you, though." He smirked, looking at your lips.

"Can you stop finding me, interesting?" You pushed him away this time since students are starting to get crowded.

"If you'll make out with me for 5 minutes."

You glared at him, but his eyes were teasing you while he shrugged. "My life is really peaceful, not until you came to ruin it."

"I could say the same thing, darling."

He also uses some pet names like that to you. But as always, you just shook your head in disbelief as you started to walk away. Of course, he followed you with his hands inside his pocket.

"Pick a five star restaurant, Y/n. We could eat in every places you want." He said, and at the same time was greeting girls he walk passed with. Its either a wink or a nod with a smile.

He's obviously a playboy, that's why you don't wanna get yourself near this man. Especially the way Chloe looks at him, then glare at you. You know she likes him.

Chloe's a bitch to handle.

"Oh my gosh! Can you just leave me alone?" Stress was basically painted on your face.

Making him giggle as he tucked in your hair at the back of your hair, "Let's have a deal then."

"No, I won't make out with you for 5 minutes." You rolled your eyes on him, not gonna lie. Sanzu's moves are fucking smooth to the point that it gave you weird sensation in your stomach.

You're just good at hiding it.

"Nahh, it's not going to be like that, though."

"What is it then?"

"Come to my basketball practice this coming Thursday.. then we have a deal."

"That's it?" You raised your brows.

"Yes baby, that's all it."

"Then deal, you better keep your promise or else I'll add more scar on that pretty face of yours." And with that, you left him there.

It was hard for him to sink that you just said he has a pretty face. But it gave him excitement when he finally convinced you to at least hang out with him.

Even if you're just going to watch him practice, at least he could show off during practice though.


"Why are you talking to Haru earlier?" Chloe literally slam her hands on your table, making you flinch because of the loud noise it made.

She was giving you the fakest smile you could ever receive from someone which made you roll your eyed at her.

"That's none of your business."

"It is my business."

"You're not his girlfriend, so stop acting like one!" You are obviously annoyed by her presence, you already knew this was coming.

"Not yet." She chuckled. "So tell me, what tricks did you use on him? And you have the audacity to keep on pushing him away? You're way too low to play hard to get."

"Whatever." You really don't wanna deal with her, so you just turn your head to the window behind you. Hoping she'll go away if you don't give her any attention that she wants.

"Tsk! Always keeping yourself from trouble. That still wouldn't change the fact that you're the whore from this class!" She laughed, sitting on top of your desk.

But since you don't tolerate this behavior, you immediately pushed her off your desk. Taking out a wet wipes from your bag and started to whip the spot where she sat on it.

Of course, the bitch fell to the floor. "What the heck is wrong with you?!" She screams at her tiny irritating voice, earning all the attention of the busy classroom.

"I just don't want my surroundings to be dirty." Your responded, after that is you gave her a glance and then continue to wipe the desk.

She stood up, dusting herself. "Coming from you? You're literally so dirty to the point everyone in this school calls you a whore!"

You looked at her, "Come on Chloe, we both know who's the bigger whore here."

The class gasped, causing Chloe to feel more furious as she has her fist behind her. Breathing heavily because of the embarrassment you just caused her.

"You're really trying to pick a fight with me, huh?"

"Not really, you're just a pick me girl who wants everyone guys attention... that's why Akashi doesn't know you exist." You gave her a sarcastic smile.

And at the same time, the bell rang which means schools over. You peeked at your watch and glance back at a fuming Chloe. It looks like she has nothing more to say so you started to pack your things to leave this hell.

Dealing with her in this way may increase the insecurity she has for you, perhaps the anger increases because you embarrassed her..

But you don't let anyone step on you just like that. You just basically put her on her place.

You walked out of the silent classroom because of the intense aura inside it after you answered Chloe. After you left, her two minions rushed to her comforting her as if she lost in a game of whoever is deserving for Sanzu.

Well, she technically did already lost.

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