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Erets POV:

I zoned out for a few minutes before realising that I accidently zoned out Techno, hopefully he didn't realised. But I couldn't help but think he did notice he looked nervous and a feeling was telling me he saw me staring. I look away and heat rushes up to my face bringing it to a vibrant shade of pink spreading all along my face. I start walking away and going up to Techno and my own room to cool myself down. I speed walk down the hallway pushing through basically everyone who was heading down the stairs to the kitchen for breakfast. I made it to my room and closed the door behind me, heading straight for the bathroom to have a freak-out session. I walk into the bathroom and just start talking to myself in the mirror. "You are an idiot! You may like the guy but you didn't have to stare and make him uncomfortable!" I scold myself aloud, He probably doesn't even like you, I stated to myself.

My breath is uneven and small tears start to fall down my face slowly. I hear a knock on the bathroom door, my heart sunk, the only person who would go after me is of course Techno. "hi.." I mumbled not wanting to be loud at all. "Eret please unlock the door!" He said with hurry. I wipe my face clean of tear stains and splash my face with water, then continue to unlock the bathroom door. I smile brightly at Techno and my heart starts to sink but I keep the composer that I am happy. He looks at me with an annoyed face and pulls me into a hug. "I'm not stupid nor gonna fall for the 'I'm fine!' okay?" I nod and he starts patting my head and I place my head in the crock of Techno's neck tearing up again. "Thanks Techno..." I mumble and he leans into the hug even further.

I see Phil take a photo of us and run off back down the hallway. My face heats up again from the close contact of my crush hugging me. I dig my head deeper into his neck and smile. He parts us and smiles at me nicely. and says "Dream is waiting for us to announce something." He says being monotone and I walk down with him by my side, quite the opposite of how I was feeling running up here, I think to myself. We got down quickly and dream immediately started to talk. "So I have decided that we should make a cool team based type thing that is 4 months long show or something." he announces. "I have everything and your team mate will be who you share a room with. You have to pick a color and that will be your teams color." Dream says and then continues briefly. "So interviews and sorting what your colors will be are tomorrow and team interviews as well, don't forget a name."

I look at techno full of excitement and hug him, happy to have him as my partner! Techno hugs me back and we both hear gasps and I brake up the hug feeling mildly embarrassed and I could tell as soon as I looked at techno he was VERY embarrassed that people had looked at them hugging. Just a second later I got a notification from Phil's twitter, It was a picture of us hugging and he captioned it 'Techno gave Eret a hug! He hasn't even given me a hug!' Twitter went crazy over this and in 1 minute most MCYTs that I know had responded and Techno replied to Phil's tweet with 'He hugged me first." That was true, but he still hugged back, so I replied to him and Phil... 'I may have hugged you first but you still hugged back!' Then looked at Techno with pride as he berried his face in his hands.

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