High lights of the games!

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TW: Swearing

Erets POV:

Me and Techno have been in this Airbnb for 3 months! Time flies when you are busy and having fun I guess. "Hey Techno! it has already been 3 months, what do you think of this?" I question him. He turned to look at me while he was half-way through taking off his shirt. My face felt super hot. "Well a lot of things have happened, and its been fun!" Techno says pulling on a clean shirt and then walking over to my bed sitting next to me. "Wanna talk about our favourite parts?" Me and Techno are very close now. We have similar interests and get a long real well, can't forget that we are very comfortable near each other now. "Earth to Eret. Wanna talk about our favourite parts of the games?" I look up confused and he looks at me slightly agitated at me not listening to me. (It's one of his pet peeves) I laugh and say yes. "So what was your favourite activity?"

I sit there thinking for a moment before answering. "Definitely the dress your team mate one!" Techno rolled his eyes and his face flushed with embarrassment. "Okay, but you looked so good in that dress, Don't tell me you didn't feel like a bad bitch in that!" "I did not, I felt embarrassed!" He said slightly raising his voice from monotone. I thought back remembering Techno in the dress I picked out for him! It was a silk red dress that was just above knee Hight and had puffy sleeves. I made him wear white elbow length gloves and a crown that looked like his avatars. I also let him have a sword. "Being honest you looked hot in that." I mumble quietly to myself. "What?" Techno questions, "Oh its nothing you have to worry about!" His face is super red at this point, and I wonder is he remembering the dress, or did he hear me? I really hope he didn't hear me..

"What about you Techno?" Techno chuckled with sinister and I guessed myself before he said anything that it was the crossbow stuff and fencing. "Fencing." He says bluntly. "guessed it." I say to myself before techno makes a comment he laughs but this one is full of warmth. "You know me to well."

A sudden knock on the door makes us turn our heads and we both get up and I go over and sit on Technos bed while he answers the door. "Hey Phil" Techno says, I raise me head and smile. "Hey mates, I've been going around to see if people are free and no one is so I came here." Phil smiles and Techno allows him inside our room and Techno sits next to me and Phil sits on my bed facing us. "So what were your thoughts on the games?" He questions us. "Well it was fun and fencing was my favourite." "Well maybe because you used to fence." Phil says back at him lightly. I feel a wave of tiredness wash over me and I start to fight it. "Technoo" I whine. "What is it Eret?" He speaks calmly. "I'm tired." He smiles softly and nods. That is how I know I'm aloud to sleep on his shoulder, I place my head on his should and almost immediately.

I wake up to Technos head lying on mine. My face heats but I don't want to move because I'm warm and comfortable. He must be as well because he isn't stirring at all. I close my eyes and soon fall back into sleep bit this time it is a light sleep.

Two crownsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن