Chapter 50

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Pei Ling blushed, and for the first time he felt as thick-skinned and good as Pei Lin. He lowered his head and poured the cut vegetables into the pot with a scream. Huo Yu and Xi Weilan reflexively stepped back, fearing that the hot oil would splash on their bodies.

I heard that for laymen cooking, people have to hide when they cook. I don't know if there is a basis for this, but Huo Yu feels that it is appropriate to put it on her own. She is the kind of person who is afraid of being burned every time she cooks. That kind of person. Even if she has spiritual blessings, she can be cured the first time she gets burned, but it hurts when she gets burned.

She hurts terribly!

Xi Weilan was also afraid of pain. She lowered her head and looked at the oil stains on her body and sighed: "This is hard to wash."

Because the department store is not on holiday, she is still at work now, so He also wore more fashionable clothes. It was a light blue woolen coat that Pei Chengzhao brought back when he was on a business trip. Huo Yu glanced sideways at her clothes, and the yellow oil was very obvious on it.

"This kind of soap may not be clean." Huo Yu said softly. The current soaps are not like those in the market. Not only the decontamination ability is not as soft as the one that is soft, but the most important thing is that you have to get a soap ticket: "Yes. Try washing with alkali powdered water. "

In fact, detergent is very good, but there is no detergent yet.

But -

"Aunt seats, we are here to buy soap is not more difficult?" She though he would clean technique, space, there are a lot of washing powder, soap, toilet soap, laundry detergent these things, do not need tickets to spend money supply and marketing cooperatives She bought soap in a department store, but she went to a department store and a supply and marketing agency several times. She seemed to see defective soap only once, and at other times there were no defective products.

"Our city does not have a daily chemical factory, and the soaps used are all shipped from the next city, and the goods are small." Speaking of Xi Weilan, he is also worried. Their family is prosperous and declining. Pei Chengzhao usually gets dirty clothes when he comes back from duty. Pei Rong and Pei Liang are children even if they are well-behaved. Their clothes are the most soapy. She is also unwilling to wash clothes with plant ash. Every time the soap is not enough, she can only exchange soap tickets with others or buy defective products that do not require tickets internally. Even this is because she can be the first time as a salesperson in a department store. Get it, or you won't be able to buy it if you have money or tickets.

To talk about what is scarce in her family now, it is meat and soap.

"Then people in our city haven't thought about making soap by themselves?" Soap is also very easy to make, and no one in their city actually thought of making soap.

"No formula." Xi Weilan touched Huo Yu's head: "Those formulas from daily chemical factories are all in my hands. Others can only buy finished products at daily chemical factories. I don't know if I have thought about trying it myself. Do it, but it costs a lot of money to do the experiment. People who can't afford soap don't even think about spending money to do this experiment. Those who can afford it will not do this experiment specifically and just buy it. "

Don't say that the country people are reluctant to wash clothes with soap, even if there are many people in the city who wash clothes with plant ashes, the soap tickets saved can be exchanged with others for what they need. It can be said that everyone is happy.

"The current situation is that people who are willing to use soap often don't have enough, and people who are not willing to use soap will not go to the soap counter, which is two extremes."

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