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Quentin would arrive at the school with his hood and headphones on not listening to anyone as he just feels alone.

"Hey isn't that Quentin over there" a girl with a nice curve and purple eyes said to herself as she approached the quiet male. "hey Quentin I'm hinata nice to meet you" the girls now named hinata said as she bowed her head.

The boy just stopped and looked at her.

"Hey hinata nice to meet you" the boy would say as a slight blush would appear on his face thinking that she was cute.

Hinata would notice him blushing and think to herself

"I could play with him for a bit" hinata would say to herself.

Quentin would still be blushing as he was about to say something but was stopped by the  young girl.

"Will you be my Boyfriend Quentin" the curvy 18 year old girl said with a smile on her face.

"Y-you wa-want to be with me" the now blushing male said as he stuttered a bit.

"Of course silly, so what will it be wanna be my boyfriend" she said as she leaned closer to him.

"Y-yes" the now happy male said as he was happy that he found love.

Hinata would hug him as he had hugged back enjoying her embrace as she then placed a kiss on his cheek with him returning the favor.

"I love you Quentin" hinata said as she hugged the male and Placing her head on his chest.

"I love you too hinata" Quentin responded as he hugged her back keeping her close.

After a couple of minutes they would walk to their class with Quentin walking with her.

School would finish and Quentin would walk hinata home coming home late. Once he arrived home he had a big smile on his face.

"Well you seem pretty happy for someone who thinks they don't feel loved" rose said to her son as she noticed him smiling.

"A girl asked me out today, I think I found someone who loves me" Quentin said as he walked to the living room sitting on the couch and starts texting his girlfriend.

Rose would look a little sad knowing that she does have some feelings for Quentin but doesn't know how to tell him.

"Quentin I love but it's wrong, I hope you love me the same way I love you" rose thought to herself as she blushing because she wanted to be with Quentin.

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