how to win friends

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i hope you enjoy this little drabble based on the tumblr post above!! (not a new chapter, just relocating this out of my cadnis book :)))))

cw for violence and blood (and please let me know if i've missed something!)



Janis isn't a big fan of first grade.

She likes the work. She likes learning to read bigger words and longer books, likes learning about clouds and planets and bugs in science. She's not particularly fond of math, but it has its moments. She loves art class and recess, and lunch and music.

It's the other kids that are the problem. Janis has always been quiet and shy. She doesn't like confrontation, and making new friends is always tough. Her best friend Regina from dance class goes to another school, and Regina usually does the talking for her. So Janis just sits in her spot and does her work. At least her teachers all say she's a pleasure to have in class.


In December, they have their first indoor recess of the year due to cold. Janis decides to spend it drawing a picture of a lion for her new baby sister.

She looks up when she hears raised voices coming from the table next to her, where some boys are playing with legos. "Girls are weak! My dad said so."

Well, that can't be right. Janis' mom always says girls are the strongest people on the planet, and Janis shouldn't listen when someone tells her she can't do something just because she's a girl. So Janis stands up and marches her way over.

"No they're not! We're just as strong as any stinky boy," she huffs, crossing her arms.

"Nuh uh!" The boy replies. "You can't even punch! You're just a girl."

Janis clenches a fist in frustration. Can't punch, huh? She looks down at it thoughtfully. Her stepdad always says to keep her thumb out, so she carefully moves it. Squeezes her fingers a little tighter. And then she swings.

"Ow!" The boy yells, covering his nose with a hand. It's covered in blood when he pulls it away again, so he puts it back with a frightened squeak. Everyone around starts making noises and frantically calling for their teacher.

"What is going on over here?" the teacher demands, marching up to the both of them.

"Uh oh," Janis whispers. She's done it now.

"Both of you, main office, now," the teacher says, pointing to the door. "Janis, I expected better from you."

Janis bows her head in shame and leaves the room, followed by the boy leaving a trail of blood behind him.


The office calls Janis' and the boy's parents to come pick them up. Janis sits next to him on the scratchy seats in the office, elbows on her knees and her head in her hands.

The boy has now been equipped with tissues to stop the blood, but his nose is broken. Janis is even more afraid when she learns that means he'll have to go to the hospital for it to get fixed.

"Whad's your nabe?" the boy asks kindly. Janis looks up at him in confusion.

"Janis," she murmurs. "I'm Janis."

"I'b Dabian," the boy replies, holding out a hand to shake. Janis winces at the blood on it, so he wipes it on his pants before holding it out again.


"No, Dabian," Damian replies. "Wid an eb."

"Oh, Damian," Janis says. Damian nods.

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