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Obi-Wan had started out afraid - panicked, worried that he couldn't save Qui-Gon or the people of this planet. Worried that everything was on the line - which it very well might have been. Now, that fear had turned red-hot - something akin to hatred. Hatred for his situation; hatred for his own weaknesses; hatred for the Sith assassin; But, above all, hatred for the stupid ray-shield door that kept him from being there for his Master when he finally needed him. 

Obi-Wan screamed as the red blade pierced his Master's gut. Rage blinded him, blurring his vision and splitting his skull. It was the best he could do to just control his breathing, keep himself from lashing out. 

The Sith assassin spun around to look at him, giving Obi-Wan a death glare before breaking into a grin. "Loki'd!" The assassin exclaimed, "I can't believe you fell for that! You're such an idiot!" 

The assassin laughed and cackled at the look on Obi-Wan's face, which only made Obi-Wan's hatred flourish.

As the ray-shield retracted, Obi-Wan snarled and bolted towards the Sith, his lightsaber ignited. The Sith blocked, parried, and returned everything Obi-Wan could throw at them, all while chuckling and laughing their head off. Obi-Wan dodged, blocked, and parried them as well, however, and even managed to achieve a brief moment of victory when he cut their double-bladed lightsaber in half before they stood again.

At the climax of the battle, the Sith knocked Obi-Wan over the edge of the reactor shaft. His lightsaber went tumbling down to who knows where, however Obi-Wan managed to hold on to something - He would not die. Not here, not now. He would not fail his Master again. He would not fall.

The Sith paced on the ledge above him, swiping their lightsaber against the edge of the reactor shaft. They leaned over the edge, looking down at Obi-Wan, and forced out the most terrifying guffaw Obi-Wan had ever heard. Obi-Wan looked up frantically, letting out a small, shaky breath, and tried to concentrate - Which wasn't an easy feat with "Huhuhuhuhu!" ringing in his ears. 

Finally, he launched himself into the air, pulling Qui-Gon's lightsaber to his hand and somersaulting over the assassin's head. The Sith turned around just in time for Obi-Wan to get a glimpse of their face before he sliced them right across the waist with the green blade. 

They fell back into the reactor shaft, their legs severed from their torso. However, they managed to spread their arms out level, calling out one last gleeful "Loki'd!" as they fell. 

They chuckled and laughed and cackled all the way down. 

38 years later, that laugh still haunted Obi-Wan's nightmares. However, he put an end to it, once and for all this time - No resurrections. 

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