"Yes she is." Khushi replied, without hesitation. Khushi placed Ahaana back in her baby seat, making sure the bottle was secure so Ahaana can continue drinking, and faced Mithelesh again.

"What can I do for you today?" Khushi asked, getting straight to business.

"Zosh Entertainment has just launched a new singing idol. The debut music video has received good reviews and in the next few weeks, this idol will be making a lot of public appearances. There will be a lot of press conferences, red carpet events, and his first official stage performance coming up within this month. Zosh wants you to design his clothing for these events." Mithelesh explained.

Khushi listened interested. "I don't usually take on projects like this. Celebrities tend to just come to AMORE to shop or have an outfit custom made for them. I've never really committed to one particular celebrity." Khushi replied.

"Well the owner of Zosh really likes your work and she would really like to use your expertise in making this idol the new heartthrob. Of course, you won't be committed to working for this idol for life. We just need a new and fresh look for him in the next month to get him established in the industry. Once he's done promoting his debut album, you're work will be done." Mithelesh continued, trying to convince Khushi.

Khushi pondered for a minute. This was her first big project after she came back from her vacation. It might be a good opportunity to expand her work. Her work mostly catered to Bollywood stars...but styling an upcoming singer might help her branch her work into the music industry too.

"Ok I'm definitely interested. Why don't we set up a meeting where we can work on a few ideas, and if it's a success we'll go over the contract." Khushi suggested.

"That's perfect. How does tomorrow afternoon sound for you? I will come by and we can work things out." Mithelesh asked.

"That's perfect." Khushi rose from her seat to escort Mithelesh to the door. "It was a pleasure meeting you Mithelesh Ji" Khushi said, shaking hands with the man.

"Same here Miss. Have a good day", and with that said, Mithelesh made his exit.


Arnav gave his last shot for the day. The movie he has been working on for the last 3 months was a little behind schedule due to some weather conditions. The lavish set built for a song was destroyed in a surprise rain storm, which caused the crew to rebuild the set. Finally after a long and tiresome day, they were able to complete shooting the song. Once the Director yelled 'That's a wrap for today!', the whole cast and crew broke out in applause.

"ALRIGHT EVERYONE! Listen up!" The director yelled, catching everyone's attention. "Today was miserable! But thank you everyone for being patient and for working through with this...and as a token of my gratitude...lets all head to the bar and first round of drinks is on me!"

This was met with another round of applause and everyone got ready in packing up and heading to the bar down the street.

Arnav was about to head to his car when he was stopped by Mahi...again. That woman didn't know the meaning of 'I'm married', because she loved to shamelessly flirt with Arnav.

"Yes Mahi..." Arnav asked, trying to keep his irritation from reflecting in his voice.

"You're going to the bar right?" Lavanya asked, with a smile on her face.

"I am, but I'm not going to stay for long." Arnav said offhandedly, and continued walking towards his car.

"Aww how come?" Lavanya whined, as she grabbed onto Arnav's arm and fell into step with him.

Zaroorat - Arshi FFOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora