Chapter 1~Got my Red Dress on Tonight

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      Camilla Gonzalez hated small towns.

      Whoever said the small towns were cute has obviously never lived in one.

      Especially Derry, Maine.

      Nothing about it was cute. It was just a shitty small town that gave her bad energy.

      Camilla supposed it could be worse. They could be homeless. Even though her mother gambled and drank away their money so they had to move to a much smaller town, it still could be a lot worse. She's only been there for a week, maybe she'll grow used to it.

      But with her look, she wouldn't be surprised if it just got worse.

      Camilla's mother, Adrianna, used to be attentive over her. She remembers that much. Her mother was beautiful and she loved to sing with her and dance with her husband. The almost-teen didn't remember her father that much, but he had been there too. Not as much as her mother, but he was there.

      Until she was seven years old and her father left with some younger blonde woman and never came back.

      Camilla never knew if the woman was blonde or not, but her mother had often swore out at "la puta gringa" who stole her husband away. The young girl couldn't blame Adrianna for reacting this way, but unfortunately, she was never able to stop her mother from finding comfort at the bottom of the bottle and her beauty slowly washed away with the alcohol.

      "...Hey...hey, hija..." her mother slurred as Camilla walked into the room. God, she didn't even recognize her anymore; it was terribly draining and depressing.

      "Seems a little too late to be finishing up another bottle," Camilla mumbled quietly to herself-half hoping that Adrianna wouldn't hear it, half not caring anymore if she heard her pleas or not.

      "What did you just say to me?!" The lump on the couch that sadly was her mother nowadays questioned her, anger evident in her voice-if you could even consider it a voice, it was too slurred due to the drownings of bottle after bottle.

      "...Nothing," Camilla responded. She knew better than to fight with her mother, especially if she was in this state, which happened to be most of the day everyday.

      Adrianna made a slight huffing sound as she slumped back down under the blankets. At least she forgot about it fast enough, or she just didn't seem to care.

      Glancing back over at her mother, Camilla thought back for a moment and saw flashes of the woman Adrianna used to be. Camilla knew better than to hope for that woman to come back someday...she already wasted all her hope on that front.

      "What are you looking at?" Adrianna cut her out of her trance, lazily pointing her bottle towards Camilla.

      She quickly looked away, walking towards the kitchen. "Nada, mama." The young girl responded, grabbing an apple that already had bruises on it but ate it anyway. It was better than most of the rotting food in the fridge anyway. Camilla might need to steal some of her mother's spare money to buy groceries soon.

      The twelve year old girl stayed in the kitchen for a while, finishing her apple before peaking back into the living room.

      The half empty bottle of tequila was dangling from her mother's hand, quiet snores leaving her lips. Camilla was quick to grab it, knowing her mother was a heavy sleeper when she was drunk. She already was a heavy sleeper, more so once her lips were connected to the bottle.

      Camilla took a long sip of the tequila, feeling the liquid burn her throat and her chest, like there was a fire growing outside of her heart. She didn't care though, she was used to the burn of alcohol. It wasn't her first time finish off her mother's "magic juice" and it certainly wouldn't be the last.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2021 ⏰

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