untold thoughts

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Slowly I sink into my tears,
I can feel my eyes swollen from
I shouted for help but everyone
turned away,
So I gave up and dug my

Near future,I hid in the darkness,
I am bleedin' but none sees it,
I faked a smile and pretend to be
fine .
I hugged my knees and prayed for
None wiser than a crow could
ever caw.

If I were to save them ,
Who were to save me?
Alas like a crow I grow alone ,
Spinning in life, never let go of
my thoughts trapped inside.

I meet a friend named 'depression' ,
He understands me,
Then comes cutting ,
She always hurt me till blood tickles down my skin .
After that is suicide,
though I tried my best to avoid
him but Cutting helped him

I shall meet everyone next time in a different body,
Many won't remember but I might

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