~Chapter 19~

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The ace spiker, setter and manager made it to their school and got on the bus. Bokuto slumped down in the closest free seat and instantly fell asleep. (Y/N) and Akaashi sat in the seat in front of the sleeping spiker with (Y/N) next to the window and Akaashi on the outside.

(Y/N) let out a silent yawn and her head fell onto Akaashi's shoulder. Akaashi looked over at the "peaceful" girl who was now slowly falling asleep on his shoulder. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes, letting the sleep take him over.




The bus took it's stop at Shinzen High. Bokuto was up just a few minutes before they stopped and was already jumping out of his seat. He leaned over the seat in front of him to see the setter just waking up and (Y/N) asleep on Akaashi's shoulder.

Bokuto opened his mouth with a cheerful look on his face. Akashi shook his head at what his upperclassman was about to do.

Bokuto exclaimed at the sleeping (Y/N) while shaking her shoulders, "(Y/N), (Y/N)! We are here!" The rest of the team shook their heads in disapproval.

(Y/N) opened her eyes and darted them at Bokuto. Bokuto's cheerful expression dropped. He quickly raced off of the bus to avoid (Y/N)'s wrath. She quickly got up, trying to climb over Akaashi and yelled, "Bokuto get your ass back here!"

Akaashi quickly got a hold of (Y/N) by wrapping his arms around her waist. He calmly sighed and stated, "(Y/N)-san relax. He's just excited." (Y/N) ignored Akaashi and  tried her best to get out of his grip.

Akaashi sighed and pulled her down, which was on to his lap. He quietly said to her, which brought butterflies to both of their stomachs, "Calm down darling."

The once tense (Y/N) calmed down. Her face now washed over with red. Akaashi loosened his arms around (Y/N)'s waist. "Are you better now?" He asked.

She nodded her head and got up and out of the bus. Akaashi followed behind her.




"(Y/N)~," someone with a deep voice sang. Her grip on a water bottle tightened. She turned around to be faced with the bed-headed captain, "Yes Kuroo?"

Kuroo pouted at the manager, "Why didn't you message me? I have money on you and Akaashi."

(Y/N) raised an eyebrow at Kuroo. She sighed and shook her head while stating, "Kuroo, Akaashi and I aren't dating."

Kuroo smirked at the annoyed girl , "Right. Well I'll leave you to stare at Akaashi some more then."

The girl's face went red. She looked back at the court where a match was being played between Fukurodani and Karasuno. Her eyes fell upon her team's dark haired setter.

(Y/N) picked up her camera that was sitting on the bench. She placed the camera close to her face. (Y/N) focused it on Akaashi as he was smiling warmly.

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