Hera tickles Sabine

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(This story will take place a few days after my other story were Sabine tickles Hera. Story wise it may or may not make sense to you all if you only read this part, it may get a little confusing at parts but all you need to know from the last part is Sabine Wren pranked Hera by cuffing her to a chair and tickling her and in this part we will see Hera's revenge! I hope you all enjoy i love both these characters and they may get more stories in the future depending on the feedback i get from their stories. If you make it until the end and want more Sabine tickles do not fear one more part is still guarenteed! Withought further a do... enjoy!)

In a galaxy far far away at a rather quiet planet in terms of any sighns of stormtroopers, guards and any signs at all of the Empire or people in general. The rebel crew including Chopper, Kanan, Zeb, Hera and Sabine are at an abandoned Imperial prison scavenging for wepons, generators and even information through the systems. Only a few days after her little prank; Sabine has forgotten all about what she put Hera through but Hera having been the victum would not accept moving on! She had to put Sabine in her place and teach her a lesson too! After ploting for a few days she knew just how this would all go down. She had a devious little assistant on her side. Chopper (the droid and navigational astromech of the crew) was in on Hera's plan and always loved causing chaos within the team. Hera tould the group to split up, Zeb was to collect any wepons or anything of intrest and practically just rob the joint of anything usefull. The place was abandoned seemingly after a battle wich left stormtrooper bodies and wepons all over the floors! Kanan meanwhile was to keep watch of the Ghost and guard it from any possible theives or scavengers. This place was definitly too quiet; there just HAD to be people in hiding that were stalking them. That ofcourse left Hera, Chooper and Sabine. They were to collect information through the systems just to brose around and make shure the Empire isnt onto them or even mabey to find out some extracted information such as secret imperial locations. At least that was the idea Sabine was given but Hera was excited for other reasons. Hera led the other two into one of the interagation rooms were Chopper was to "check the systems" for iformation.

Hera: Welp, the extraction has started but these things could take a while.

Sabine: Yeah? Well i'm not takn' any chances.
*Sabine got on the interagation table to lye down and take a breather. Little did she know that was exactly what Hera wanted!*

Hera: Comfy Sabine? You know people we're literaly tortured on this right.
*Hera played her part walking over beside Sabine and acted as if it was a bad idea for Sabine to lay down there when in truth; it was exactly what she wanted!*

Sabine: Well its not as comfortable as my bed back on the ship but eh, what are you gonna do?
*Sabine's legs were in the exact position for the cuffs to activate but her arms were behind her head while she relaxed*

Hera: Arent you afraid of this thing activating? It's probably a little glitchy.
*Hera smiled to herself knowing full well that Sabine was knowere near suspisious*

Sabine: Afraid? Me? HA! Dont joke like that Hera, you know i'm the most fearless amung us. Besides if this thing did activate you would get me out of it wouldnt you haha!
*Sabine closed her eyes completly relaxed and confident that she was in no danger.*

Hera: I wouldnt be so cocky if i was you. Chopper now!
*Hera pulled down Sabines hands to alighn with the cuffs and Chooper activated the cuffs that came out of the chair locking Sabines hands and feet down... and so it begins*

Sabine: Very funny you two haha-NOW LET ME GO! I mean, what the hell! Has Chooper been working on 'this' the whole time? Why are we really here?
*Sabine kept her cool for about three secconds with that sarcastic laugh but it immideatly went away afrer a moment*

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