1 || Be Careful, Child...

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Silva Hills is known for the people's enthusiasm whenever holidays like Halloween and Christmas are around the corner. The mayor loves to host contests and events for the citizens of all ages to participate in. A lot of visitors outside of town would go around to gaze upon the beautiful decorations set on the houses of the neighboring homes.

October has just arrived and shops are now selling Halloween-themed items and treats; some even have pumpkins, ghost, and spider stickers plastered on the windows of the establishments. The neighborhood's already starting to put up Halloween decorations outside their houses. Although there is one house that hasn't begun putting up plastic skeletons and such outside their home yet.

The Allens have just recently moved a week ago from Moulberry City since Jaime, the father of the family, got an opportunity to work for a really good company in Silva Hills. With his wife Ricka and their daughter Criss, they moved into a decently sized house within the suburbs of the town. Criss was thrilled to see the decorated houses and buildings when they first got a glimpse of the neighborhood.

It is currently Monday morning as Criss packs all of her school necessities like notebooks, pencils, pens and the such into her beige colored backpack. Once she's all set, she went out of her room and ran down the stairs. "Oh, hello sweetheart! Ready for school?", Criss' mother greeted her from the kitchen. Criss nods with a smile on her face. Her mom had finished setting up a peanut butter sandwich into a ziplock bag and then gave it to Criss, who put it in her bag. "Thanks, ma! I should get going now", Criss says before saying goodbye to her mom and dad, who was in the living room watching the news. "Goodluck at school!!", her father chirped in as Criss waved at him by the door. She walks down the sidewalk to Sunrise Middle School, which is just a few miles away from her home. She arrived at her destination and stood still for a few seconds to glance at the building's structure. Soon after, she heads into the big doors of the school to see tons of tweens walking about to their lockers and classrooms. A young blonde boy with circular eyeglasses around her age approached and greeted her.

"You're Criss Allen, am I right?", the boy asked. "Uhm..yeah..?", Criss answered in a confused tone. "Well then! First things first...I'm Archie Lewis!", he introduces and lends out his hand to shake. Criss proceeds to hold and then shake the boy's hand. "It's..nice to meet you..Archie", she awkwardly says. They let go of each others' hands as Archie spoke once again; "I'll be showing you around the school for today. Follow me and make sure to not wander too far off!". The girl nodded and they both walked off into the hall.

Archie gives Criss information about the various classrooms and areas inside the school building. An hour later, Archie gives Criss her locker key and shows her where her locker is. The school bell rings and it's time for the first classes to start. "Do you know your schedule for today and the next few days?", the boy asks Criss and she takes out a horizontal paper with a chart of the times and classes for Monday to Friday. "Yep. Already know them by now", she replies and looks at Archie. "Looks like you're all set for now. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me any time!", the young man enthusiastically beamed. "I need to go to English class so...I'll see you around!". Archie swiftly walks down the hall, leaving Criss to go to her first class; which is going to be Science. She then finally got in the classroom, took a seat down on one of the unoccupied chairs and set down her bag underneath her table. Sir Theo, the Science teacher, soon entered the room and headed to his desk.

"Good morning, class. Before we start the discussion for today...I would like you to meet our new student first..! Come up here and introduce yourself!", the teacher gestured at Criss, who stood up and walked to the front of the room. "Hello, my name is Criss Allen and I...moved here in Silva Hills recently with my parents. I..like to travel and consume different types of media. Hopefully, we can all get along just fine.!", the redhead girl introduces herself. "Thank you, Miss Allen for the lovely introduction! You may now take your seat", Mr Theo smiled as Criss went back to her seat. The black haired teacher soon started the lesson about plate tectonics.

Be Careful, Child (A Two-Part Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now