A walk at night

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It was 11:35, nearly 12. I has just finished my shift from work. Today was tiring as I was kept back for a long time because my stupid boss had told me too and had finally left at 11. I was cursing at him in million languages in mind while coming out of the building. Stepping outside,I have only one thing to say. Dark. It was dark outside,almost like pitch black. The street lights were off, all shops were closed except for the mini convenience store that down the road. They were hardly any people on the road. It was indeed a bit scary.

But there was only one thing in my mind,

"My mom must be waiting for me"

Since my phone battery had died there was no way I could call her and tell her that I was safe and will be back late. I needed to get home fast,for I knew she will be worried, and her being a heart patient does not help at all. There was only one option that was there that i could take in order to reach home fast. "The mysterious street". That was what people called it. It was a street,all the down to the road. It was named after that because many people believed that those who go there, disappear or are found,dead. The stories or rather theories about what happens in that street are pretty scary. But I dont believe in that nonsense. People just make that up for fun,or too scare people. But I will admit that I was a tad bit scared of the rumours I've heard about it.

But I had no choice,I had to reach home soon and that was the only option since it's a shortcut. So I sighed before eventually walking over there.

As soon as I reach there,I stop. I'm constantly debating in my mind whether to go or not. But then I think about my mom. She must be hella worried right now about me. Gathering up all my courage,I started  going in there,taking slow steps. It sure gave off a very creepy and bad vibe, I was having thoughts that something bad is surely going to happen,but I pushed those thoughts away. My mom was the only thing that was there on my mind right now.

While walking, I noticed my surroundings. It was pitch black but I could still see,it was very dirty, garbage bags everywhere. Some of them were torn. There was a very awful stench I had to hold my nose to prevent myself from smelling it. But was what it? It almost smelled like...... a dead body?!

No,no,no,it cant be. How can a dead body be here. Maybe it was an animal, a dog? Or a cat? I started to tremble slightly,but I had to stay brave. I started to speed walk, that was when I heard something.

It sounded like footsteps, big and heavy ones. Was there someone here? It became more clear when I heard the footsteps coming........towards me. I halted on my steps,scared to death right now. I was shaking terribly. I tried to move,but I couldn't. It was like my whole body had become numb. The footsteps were coming closer,and closer. At this point,I was sure I'm going to dye. I could make out that someone was coming near me. I was sweating and tears were streaming down my face uncontrollably. Small whispers left my mouth. Soon I saw the person.

The person,turned out to be little child. Since there was a  street light above me, I could see. It was a little girl,around six or seven years old. I was way beyond confused. The big footsteps that I heard, turned out to be a little girl's footsteps?

She came in front of me and stop. She was very clean. Her hair was neatly combed,and she her dress was nice and clean. She looked up at me and gave me a smile,a psychotic one before giving me a small piece of paper. I looked at her,freaked out by her smile before looking at the paper she was giving me. It was folded. I took it and opened it.

"Look behind"

It read,I slowly looked behind and saw a man,standing there holding a gun with the same psychotic smile. And that,was the last i saw before going into a deep sleep,forever......

I was waiting for my daughter to come home. She hadn't come home last night. I tried calling her but it was not going through. Now its currently 10 am. I was about to get ready to go to the police when I heard the doorbell ring. I thought it was my daughter so I immediately went to open it. But when I did, it was not her. It was a little girl,around five to six years old. She was holding a big red box in her hand. She looked at me and smiled very creepily.

"Take it"

She said. I looked at her with confusion written all over my face before taking the box.

"Open it"

So I did. And what I saw, left me petrified.

"It was the head of my daughter "

Before I could react,I felt a sharp pain in my stomach,and that was the last thing I remember before falling into a deep sleep,


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