Chapter 17: Now we are free

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"Well, that saves us the problem, Nimbus, thank you." Jaral said. "But if you find anything..."

"Don't worry, I'll let you know. And I'll try to help her anyway I could. It's the least I can do after trying to kill her." the Mirialan said calmly.

"I guess that'll have to do." Ezra said.

"Come on, now." Hondo spoke. "We're all heroes, today! It's time to celebrate...*sniff*...and get paid, of course."

The siblings shook their heads, then Ryder spoke up.

"He is right, though." and stepped in front of the siblings. "You two have achieved what seemed impossible. Lothal will never thank you enough."

"It was a team effort, Ryder." Ezra tried to dismiss the compliments.

"Yeah, for a plan so crazy that only the two of you could ever hope to execute." Zeb added with a smirk.

Rex huffed amused. "None of us could ever hope to have that level of coordination. You did great, kids."

Jaral smirked to the old clone, then she realized something.

"Wait, where's Gregor?" she asked to Rex and Wolffe, though she could already guess.

The resigned gaze on the two clones' faces was all that she needed, even Ezra, who was unaware of that, felt dejected at the news.

"He died like he wanted." Rex stated solemnly. "Fighting for a cause he chose to believe in."

"Still, we're sorry for you." Ezra said with tact.

A moment of silence followed.

"We should head to the city, we better make sure our army has..." Jaral started, but suddenly the sun was obscured.

There wasn't a single cloud in the sky, so everyone looked up with curiosity, and everybody but Jaral was stunned.

Right above them was flying the INS Protector. It was at least 8.000 meters above the surface, and yet its size was so big that it could still obscure the sun. A few warships were flying around it as escort.

 A few warships were flying around it as escort

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"What the..." Michalina asked. "have they brought the Sentinel?"

"No, that's the INS Protector." Jaral explained. "They have built it in preparation for the invasion."

"It's...enormous." Zeb commented with a hushed tone, humbled by the sheer dimensions of the ship.

"If it is as equipped as the Sentinel, it has enough firepower to obliterate an entire fleet." Jordan said.

"That's the point." Jaral explained. "I doubt the Empire will just stand down and let us occupy the planet. We're gonna need a lot of guns to repel their counter-attack."

"I see you've already thought of everything." Ezra quipped.

"That's kinda my job." his sister replied with a lopsided grin. "Before we came here, I ordered part of the invasion fleet to take control of Dornea's orbit. Without supplies on the ground, the imperial garrison will soon have to surrender to the local resistance. We'll also have to free the rest of the sector before we move on with the campaign..."

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