Chapter 1

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"Who are you!?!" The man yelled as he tried to run away. He was trying to escape while holding wound that was just cut on his leg. Slowing him down considerably.

It was midnight in a rundown part of Musutafu. It was quiet, except for the screaming man. A cold autumn breeze shifted the oranges and reds of the trees in the nearby park. No one walked the streets, no one could save him. A dark hooded figure slowly approached the man. Unsheathing their sword. The blade looked like it glowed in the darkness of the night. The hilt was black with dark fabric, a very well-crafted sword. Also, very sharp. The blood on the very tip of the blade sent shivers down his spine. Reminding him of how he and his friends were ambushed by this person. In seconds all his friends dropped to the ground bleeding out by a large clean cut through their throats.

"No! Don't do this to me!!" He screamed once more. At this point the man tripped and tried to crawl away from the figure, leaving a small trail of blood behind him. As the person got closer the fear of the man grew larger. "Please! I don't want to die! I promise I won't do it again! Just don't kill me! Give me a second chance!" He knows what the figure wanted. He had heard the rumors. Before the ambush the man and his friends had just betrayed a client of All for One. The "God", as he calls himself, wanted pay back and intended to get it.

The figure stopped. The man turned his head to look at them, still moving slightly to the mouth of the ally way. "A second chance?" The person asked. Their voice was monotone, sounding dead inside. Until it burst into crazed manic laughter. Scaring the man even more. "You really think Master will forgive you? After what you did to his client?" The figure leaped from where they stood. The man's eyes widened in terror. In a second his body was cut clean in half. The person scoffed. "What a fool to think you could escape death that easily." They skillfully sheathed their beautiful blade.

The hooded figure took out a phone and dialed a number placing it close to their face. "Hello?" A voice answered.

"I need a cleanup in district 24." The person responded flatly.

"How many?" The voice asked. If you listen closely, you could hear shuffling around, seemingly trying to find a piece of paper.

"Five." The figure began walking deeper into the ally. "I also need a pickup."

"Understood. Kurogiri should be there in a minute. I'll send some one out to district 24." The person then hung up.  Sliding the phone into their pocket, the figure finally made it to the end to the ally, past all the bodies lying on the ground. Blood still oozing out of the cuts in their throats.

A dark mist the formed in front of the figure. Out stepped two people wearing white scrubs that you would usually find nurses in hospitals wearing. They carried bags full of equipment to help get rid of the evidence of anyone being there. The figure paid them no mind and walked into the dark mist.

Once they walked through the mist, it disappeared and formed the shape of the man named Kurogiri. Kurogiri acted as the transporter most of the time while working under All for One. When he wasn't doing that, he was taking care of the "God's" successor. 20-year-old Tomura Shigiraki. Said male was laying on a tattered old coach in the corner of a rundown bar playing some sort of game on his phone. His short pale blue hair draped over the arm rest, his crusty and cracked face hidden behind a decapitated hand he calls "Father". Shigiraki acted as if he was a child in an adult's body, always throwing fits if things didn't go his way.  Said rundown bar was a base for the organization called The League of Villains. The League was run by All for One himself, but he "gifted" the base to Shigiraki and had Kurogiri look after him.

The hooded figure slowly pulled back the hood, revealing a girl with short snow white hair. Her bangs styled so that one eye was covered. The eye left uncovered was mainly black, with a slim ring of yellow in the center. Her skin was slightly paler than a normal person but not to noticeable, She was average height for a person her age. Which was about 14. She was wearing a long black kimono witch yellow leaves and petals scattered around the skirt. Yellow armor rests on her shoulders and knees. Her sword tucked on her back. "Welcome back...." Kurogiri trailed off, silently asking who she was at the moment. He had just returned from hang the jacket in the coat closet by the front door.

"Its Hatsu right now. Should I pull out Taku?" The girl responded to Kurogiri.

"Yes, you should. All for One is requesting to see you two." Hatsu nodded. She closed her eyes for a second. Slowly another white-haired girl looking exactly like Hatsu materialized from the girls shadow. Both girls opened their eyes.

"I will never get used to seeing that." Shigraki mumbled, turning his attention back to his phone slightly disgusted.

"Good evening Kurogiri." Taku said ignoring Shigiraki's comment. Taku had a slightly higher pitch to her voice, but no one would realize that unless they had some sort of enhanced hearing.

"Good evening Taku." Kurogiri bowed slightly. He then started up again. He opened a portal to All for One's office so they could give him the full report. The Identical twins walk right in.

As The twins enter All for Ones office, the immediately bowed on one knee. The office was less of an office you would find in a building, it was more like a hospital room. Tubes scattered everywhere, machinery beeping every few seconds, computer screens the only source of light. Finally, the large bed where one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful person lay. All for One himself, his large body connected to most of the tubes and machines, turned slightly.

"Report." All for One stated firmly.

"All targets have been successfully eliminated." Hatsu responded flatly. Her head tilted down facing the floor of the room.

"Any witnesses?"

"No witnesses. I made sure of it." Taku finished. Her head also tilted downwards

"Good." All for One turned back facing the ceiling once more. "I have a new long-term mission for you two." All for One started. Both girls tilted their heads up to look at their master. "I want you to infiltrate U.A high's ranks. Pose as students and gather info on everything and everyone. Transport data on who will be at certain events, Staff included." The twins nodded. "Try your best to gain their trust. But reveal nothing or I will have your heads. Understood?" All for one almost yelled. The twins stood up and bowed

"Yes master." They said in unison. All for One nodded.

"Good. The entrance exams are next week. Your fake documents have already been made and input in the system." Another warp gate stated forming as All for One finished. "Report your fining to Tomura. He will be the leader in this operation." The twins nodded. "But still follow every order I give you no matter what understood?" They nodded once more. Bowing, they walked into the portal back to the bar.

1293 words!!!

Thank you so much for reading! In future chapters I will explain Taku and Hatsu's quirk so stay tuned!

- Lord of ze Underworld

Mission: No WitnessesWhere stories live. Discover now