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Marty puts on the daily news and finds out about Caesars uprising and the virus, he gets Jules and verne, marlene, Scott, Marty Jr, Jennifer,and Einstein the 3rd with his son archimedes into the delorian and he promised he'll get to them in the time machine.

August 15, 3980

Zira and Cornelius were teaching Aldo how to stack up rings while nova was teaching Julian how to say mama and food. A knock is heard and zira sees the family excluding Marty and knows what has happened, "wheres Marty!?" Zira asked nervously "he will be here once he gets into the time train." Jennifer said The time train pulls up onto the dirt out steps a dirty and battered Marty who says the delorian malfunctioned and he made a stop "made alot of friends, and enemies" "so why did the ape uprising happens before it was supposed to?" Zira asked "well considering all the time travelling we've been doing it may have changed the course of history by making the ape known as ceasar rise up in 2016 instead of Aldo in the 2300s and instead of a plague from space killing all cats and dogs a manmade virus made humans die or become like savages while apes became almost as smart if not smarter than humans " Marty explained

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