I get in and launch my bags into my room. I'm not bothered to unpack. I throw myself onto the couch and just lay down and relax. Then my phone lights up. It's a text from lando.

L~I just wanted to let you know it's you. Your the one I want. you're the one I want to come home to after a bad day. You're the one I want to roll over to in the middle of the night and wake up next to every morning, for the rest of my life. You're the ones I want to go on late night runs for food just because we wanted to get out of the house. You're the one I want to take on cute little dates like to a movie, or to a nice fancy dinner or to an early morning breakfast, go to aquariums and zoos and amusement parks. You're the one I want to go on fun, exhilarating adventures with such as a day at the lakes, or a hike through the fairly light lit woods I know you love or just even a lay night walk when everything is quite like that day when we snuck out like kids. You're the one I want to make happy for the rest of my life. Your the one I want to love and hold tight when times get tough. Your the one I want to be there for when everything on your world comes crashing down. All our good days and all our bad days, your the one I want to spend them with. You're it. Your the one. And I swear to you, I have never been so sure about someone or something in my entire life. It's you y/n and I say this without a single doubt in my mind.

I put my phone down. I can't help but smile. I miss him. I actually miss him I miss everything. All the memories come flooding back, the happy and the funny ones and the loveable ones and cute ones and even the ones he was always there for me. I pick up my phone and ring him. It dosent even ring once before it ends. He must be on the phone. I get up to get a glass of water with a massive smile on my face for the first time in what felt like years. Then my phone rings I sprint over, it isn't Lando though, it's George. What could he want?

Y/n-hey George what's up?

G-y/n you need to come to he hospital now

Y/n-wait what why?!

G-it's lando, look I know your not on the best of terms but please he needs you.

Y/n-I'm on my way.

I run to the door and sprint down the halls to the car. I get in and drive soo fast. I don't care I need to see him. I need to tell him everything.

I park the car and sprint into the hospital. It's only when my feet hit the floor of the hospital I look down and realise I don't even have shoes on. I don't care I keep running. Then I see George.


G-he is in surgery now

Y/n-what happend, is he okay, is he going to be okay, please George he needs to be safe. I can't lose him I LOVE HIM!!!

He pulls me into his chest and hugs me tight.

G-he is okay, he was in a crash. He was on the way to his mum and dads for dinner when he lost control and hit a three on the side of the road.

Y/n-why dose he need surgery?

G-they had to stop some bleeding.


G-around his organs

Y/n-ohh no, George he has to be okay I need him

G-listen he will be fine

Y/n-did you find him?

G-ye I was on the way to the shop when I seen it.

Y/n-was he conscious

G-when I got to him first no, I got him out of the car and once he was in the ambulance he started to come round. I followed them here and when I got in they wouldn't let me in. The nurse said it's all under control

Y/n-ohh no, why did it take me so long to forgive him, why didn't I tell him how I felt . What if I never get to tell him.

G-don't talk like that y/n you will get to tell him.

I sit down for what felt like hours. All the thoughts of regret and what ifs just take over. I need him to be okay. I need him. Then a surgeon comes and calls George. I run over towards them.

S-ehm sorry who are you, this is private

Y/n-I'm his girlfriend

Wow it felt nice to say that again

S-oh Of course sorry.

G-so how did it go

S-we managed to stop the bleeding.

Y/n-can we see him?

S-yes but be carful he is still unconscious and could be for a few more hours.

I walk in to his room. He is hooked up to so many machines. It's scary seeing him lay there. Not moving. The room was silent apart from the beeping of the machine monitoring his heartbeat. I sit down on the chair beside his bed and hold his hand.

G-I will give you a few minutes

Y/n-thanks George


Y/n-yes please

He walks out of the room. I hold landos hand tightly and close my eyes

Y/n-lando, I'm sorry for waiting this long to tell you, and make up my mind. Lando I love you. I want to be with you. Please lando I can't lose you. I need you. More than I've realised. Not having you here has made me realise how much I love you. It's so hard to put it into words because I love you more than I have ever loved anyone else. I've been miserable without you. Your the best thing that has ever happend to me.

I feel tears fall from my closed eyes. Then he squeezes my hand a little. My eyes shoot open and I stand up.

L-I love you so much

Y/n-I love you too and I want to be with you

I see a tear fall from his eye. I lean over and gently hug him. He kisses my forehead.

L-I'm so sorry for everything I've put you through

Y/n-lando, how about we forget about it and start again. I don't want to lose you I can't bare to be without you

L-I can't live without you

Y/n-you don't have to, from now on we are a team, together


I hold his hand tight and he brushes his thumb against my hand. We chat for a little he seems to be feeling allot better. I'm so happy to have him back, we have both been lost without each other

A/n-hope you enjoyed this and are happy they are together again💜

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