Chapter 1

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The Smog of the Fright Zone rose up into the air as usual. Catra was standing on the highest perch, and below her. A large number of Horde soldiers marched forward, a parade of force and power. Tanks, soldiers, sciffs, the entire might of the Horde army gathered ready for the ultimate battle. One that will finally the Princesses and their so-called Rebellion once and for all.

Rebellion. Ha! A bit of hubris from a bunch of high and mighty princess The Horde didn't even control half of the planet, at least for now. Soon that will all change because of her. Then they would be a real rebellion, for they'll have nowhere to run, and nowhere to hide.




The Horde was probably the mightiest army that Etheria had ever seen and would ever see in its lifetime. Catra couldn't help but smirk as she gazed over at the force. This was her army. She was it's true Supreme Commander. Hordak was irrelevant at this point, despite him 'technically' leading the charge with his superweapon or whatever. She led this force, her genius, her vision, everything she had driven this force and more.

Hundreds if not thousands of Horde forces parading before her as they march off to the ships that would take them to what would hopefully be one of the greatest battles of war. All devised by her.

Salinesas would fall and with it, the last defense the Princesses had against the Horde forces.

Control the seas control Etheria

This was her plan. Her time to shine. As she once told Shadow Weaver back in her cell, she would be at the head of armor and lead the charge against all of Etheria and prove them all wrong.

Shadow Weaver


All of them would finally know to respect and fear her power, and no one was going to stop her.

Be prepared Etheria




Etheria-Present Day

Catra blinked and turned and found herself no longer in the Fright Zone but on a very large Melog going through the woods. Behind Bow was giving her a concerned expression on her face.

"You okay Catra?" He asked, looking at her with a concerned expression.

"Yeah, sorry, I was just dreaming I guess" Catra's eyes drooped, she got up really early in the morning and was NOT a morning person at all.

"Bad dream?"

"No, more-more like a memory, I think, hard to say these days" she rubbed her forehead feeling a twinge of pain.

Catra took a deep breath, she tried centering herself like Perfuma had been teaching her as they neared the village. Bow was right behind her and the two of them were riding on Melog the whole time through the woods carrying a whole carriage of supplies.

The mission was simple, just some repair of a village, nothing bad really. Of course that village was Elberon, and Catra had a bit of a history with the place. Once using it as a staging ground to get Double Trouble to infiltrate the Princess Alliance while she prepared for the big offensive on Sealiness. The plan for the village was just to take the villagers hostage while Adora fought some robots and got electrocuted.

Pretty horrible, pretty horrible indeed.

Worse still, she could still see some of the scars left over from the war against the Etheria Horde. A few horde tanks still lay on the ground, broken and damaged, along with a dozen horde bots lying around. The only silver living was apparently some of the children who were using them as hiding places. Although Catra wondered what Entrapta and Emily would think seeing that.

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