Part Sixteen: That's What They All Say

Start from the beginning


Jackie Pooh
Day after Christmas always feels like ass

Baby mama 😩
Baby mama 😩
Party was amazing tho

Jackie Pooh
It really was
Jackie Pooh
Love you some me huh 😏

Baby mama 😩
I like you yeah

Jackie Pooh
You were getting jealous I could tell

Baby mama 😩
Well if you can tell I don't need to admit it

Jackie Pooh
I like hearing it from your mouth
Jackie Pooh
Music to my ears

Baby mama 😩
That sounds lowkey dirty

Jackie Pooh
Get your mind outta the gutter nasty

Baby mama 😩
Baby mama 😩

Jackie Pooh
Tell me without bringing up what happened at Montero's place

Baby mama 😩
That's like the second thing on the list
Baby mama 😩
Remember the back of the school?

Jackie Pooh
Yeah! Cheeks were out in the open

Baby mama 😩
Almost got caught too!

Jackie Pooh
If you stayed quiet like I told you to

Baby mama 😩
Yeah yeah yeah
Baby mama 😩
Oooh remember at the graduation party

Jackie Pooh
You got so fucked up
Jackie Pooh
You gave me head while your sister drove us back to your place

Baby mama 😩
I try not to think about that
Baby mama 😩
She knew

Jackie Pooh
Fuck 😀
Jackie Pooh
No wonder she acted weird around me after that

Baby mama 😩
Baby mama 😩
She gave me a mean ass lecture the next day

Jackie Pooh
Jackie Pooh
I don't believe that stopped you

Baby mama 😩
It didn't
Baby mama 😩
I was a little wild back then huh

Jackie Pooh
Jackie Pooh
We both were
Jackie Pooh
Like rabbits 😩

Baby mama 😩
You're still like that wym

Jackie Pooh
Can't help it
Jackie Pooh
Have you seen yourself?

Baby mama 😩
I have
Baby mama 😩
I do me

Jackie Pooh
You mean "I'd do me"

Baby mama 😩

Jackie Pooh
Jackie Pooh
Jackie Pooh
When are you going back to L.A?

Baby mama 😩
Baby mama 😩
I really miss Amala and Montero

Jackie Pooh
How did you even befriend them?

Baby mama 😩
I've been a fan of Amala since her ep days. I would always go on her live and make suggestions
Baby mama 😩
We dm'd back and forth and we've been talking ever since
Baby mama 😩
I met Montero through her when he was getting popular

Jackie Pooh
Aww that's cute
Jackie Pooh
You're a good luck charm or something

Baby mama 😩
Y'all got to where you are bc of your work ethic

Jackie Pooh
Nah, I wouldn't have gotten to where I am without you

Baby mama 😩

Jackie Pooh
I appreciate you buttercup

Baby mama 😩
Baby mama 😩
Can I see you before I leave?
Baby mama 😩
I want a hug

Jackie Pooh
Anything for you sweetheart
Read at 3:13 pm

A/N: I have no idea what else to do for this story 😳

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