Chapter 11

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Izuku pulled against the cuffs that held his arms behind him, testing their strength. They were Quirk-suppressing cuffs. Izuku wanted to laugh. With that video circulating, he found it funny that they'd even do that. Maybe they hadn't seen it yet.

The car ride was bumpy, and the officer driving didn't seem to care when Izuku smacked his head against the window with each turn. He could just use his stomach muscles to stay still, but he wanted to see the look on the other officers' faces when he came in bruises. Although his mask would prevent most of it, there would still be indents for a while.

Izuku sighed to himself. How on earth did he get into this situation? Oh yeah, he was still sore from the USJ attack and was stupid.

Izuku waited until he heard Yamada's snores from upstairs. He wondered if it was so loud because of his Quirk. Then he wondered how they never got noise complaints from neighbors. Maybe that was why Aizawa's patrols ran so long.

Izuku did his routine of putting on his outfit and slipping out the window, leaving it cracked slightly. Then he took off in a random direction. As he ran, he couldn't help but feel off. Like something was going to happen.

He shook it off as paranoia, seeing as how the last few nights had been relatively quiet. Nothing big had happened, just a few drunks and helping women home from their night shift.

He was roughly twenty minutes away from the house when it happened.

"Hey, you! Kumo!"


So this was the something.

Izuku cursed at himself. He knew he should have listened to that feeling.

Death Arms and a sidekick stood a few feet away from the building Izuku was passing. What was a daylight hero doing out so late? And with a sidekick no less.

Izuku jumped right before a pair of arms tried to knock him down. Death Arms and his sidekick continued their pursuit. Izuku didn't bother trying to defend himself. He knew he stood no chance against either of them. So he turned and bolted down the sidewalk.

He should have gone to the rooftops. They wouldn't have been able to keep up with how Izuku maneuvered them. Perhaps the sewers, too. Death Arms wouldn't have been able to slip down a manhole. He'd probably send his sidekick after Izuku.

But no. Izuku just had to stick with the ground.

He tried to use his webs to slow them down, but of course he just had to be found by one of the few heroes who could actually break out of them. Instead of trapping the heroes, he just left large, white spots on the concrete.

He made the mistake of looking over his shoulder. He tripped over his boots as he noticed one of them was missing. Where was the sidekick?

Speak of the devil, and he doth appear.

When he looked forward, Izuku smacked into a firm chest. He fell to the ground and nearly missed hitting his head. Large hands wrapped around his ankle, making Izuku unable to get up. The vigilante struggled against the sidekick's grip, kicking and bending down to unwrap the fingers but that just caused it to tighten. He really shouldn't be surprised that Death Arms' sidekick was nearly as strong as the hero himself.

"Hopper," Death Arms said, slowing to a walk and stopping in front of the two. The sidekick, Hopper, let go and immediately two hands pulled Izuku up. "Notify the police."

The sidekick nodded and walked off a few feet to make the call.

With Hopper busy, Death Arms turned to the vigilante in his grasp. "I hope you know how much trouble you're in."

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