Chapter 10

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It had taken Izuku roughly an hour to figure out what exactly USJ was. When he looked it up initially, he had just found Universal Studios Japan but that was ruled out. Heroes don't routinely patrol a theme park. But maybe that was the point.

But as he dug, he stumbled upon a link that was a few years old. It spoke about how U.A. was building a new facility designed for a bunch of disasters in order to help prepare their students.

So he came up with a plan to get himself out of school.

As soon as he heard the two adults across the hall start to get up and do their daily routine, Izuku got into position. He had a large bowl on a towel next to his pillow. The bowl was filled with a chunky, liquid mixture he made last night. He just finished stirring the scent powder, and he gagged. Wow, that was strong.

He made sure that the fake chunks were safe to go down the toilet should one of them take the bowl.

He lay down, pulling the bowl close to him. He buried his nose into his pillow to mask out the scent. If he breathed it in one more time, he would actually vomit. The smell wasn't bad if you weren't literally right next to it.

He tapped the side of the bowl as he waited for his targets to come by.

Sure enough, ten minutes later there was a knock on his door. "Midoriya?" Yamada called. "You almost ready? We have to leave soon."

Izuku let out a groan, and shifted on his bed.

"Midoriya?" The doorknob twisted, and Yamada poked his head inside. He walked over to Izuku's bed and knelt down. He had already done his hair. It waved around as he tilted his head. "Are you feeling alright?"

The man caught sight of the bowl and winced. "Yikes."

"I think it was something I ate," Izuku whispered.

Yamada snickered. "Must've been Shouta's cooking."

"I heard that," a grumpy voice complained from the doorway. Aizawa was leaning against the frame, arms crossed. He was halfway dressed, just missing his black shirt that went over his white tank top. His eyes darted between the bowl and Izuku. "What's wrong?"

"I think he has food poisoning," Yamada answered. "You do tend to undercook the chicken sometimes."

"I do not," Aizawa defended. Both Yamada and Izuku chuckled. Aizawa sighed, running a hand over his tired face. "I'll call Nezu." The underground hero turned and walked down the hall, presumably to their room.

Yamada ruffled Izuku's hair and stood up, grabbing the bowl off the bed. "Get back to sleep, Little Listener."

Izuku watched as he walked out of the room. The door wasn't closed, and any one of them could walk by at any moment, but Izuku couldn't help but fist bump himself. His plan worked!


Izuku had waited an hour after Aizawa and Yamada left for the school to even leave his bed. At that point, he zoomed around his room, hurrying on his outfit. The shirt and pants were easy. The gloves were a bit harder since the fingers could be detached.

He picked up his mask. Once he had secured it on, he gathered his supplies. He made sure his web-shooters were full and had extra viles just in case. He double checked his stock of smoke bombs that Mei had given him.

He slipped on his black hoodie, which sported a red spider on the front and a red web on the back.

He also picked up his small pocket knife. It wasn't for fighting, but if he got caught in something whether it was rope, cloth, or even his own webbing (which happened more often than he'd like to admit) he'd like to be able to get out.

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