He was ready.

He looked at his phone for the time. Class had started, and he would take at least ten minutes to get there with full speed. He could use his webs to help, but he didn't want to run out of fluid before he even got there.

Tossing his phone on his bed, he ran out of the house. He made sure to lock the door. He hoped the pillow Izuku was convincing enough in case any of the adults came back early for whatever reason.

Luck seemed to be on his side that day, as traffic wasn't bad and there was hardly anyone out to see him. He wouldn't have minded, in all honesty. The mask hid his face and the vest was bulky enough to hide his frame. He was just worried they could pinpoint his "secret base" as the media liked to call it.

He didn't have trouble finding the building once he got close to the U.A. campus. It was a large domed structure. He was sure the glass was Quirk proof, so he couldn't just slam into it. Instead, he had to use the door like a normal person.

He pouted. He loved making big entrances. But it wouldn't work in this case. He had no idea what the villains were planning.

Izuku swung from a tree and launched himself towards the door. He rolled and sprung up, just in time to see a kid in a costume similar to Ingenium rush out of the building. They made eye contact; Izuku waved while the kid slowed down for the briefest moment in surprise.

Izuku looked back at the door. Whatever was going on had that kid terrified. He could see how he shook even with his speed. He quickly made it to the door, stopping it before it slammed shut. He pulled it open. It seemed like something was holding it in place.

When he peered his head in, he was met with a horrific sight. A group of students were huddled in front, most of them cowering with each other while some others were near a body.

Izuku narrowed his eyes. That was Thirteen! They didn't appear to be doing well. The back of their suit was torn open, and two students tried to hold it closed.

Then there was the huge black and purple mist surrounding the students. A few students met his eyes, and he held a finger up to his mask. He carefully snuck through the door and over to Thirteen and the others, who were out of sight of the mist.

"What happened?" Izuku asked.

The two girls looked up, startled. The pink haired girl spoke first. "We were supposed to be training," she whispered. "Villains attacked. Most of our classmates were thrown everywhere."

The girl in the pink and black outfit squeezed her eyes shut. "We're trying to keep this shut so they don't get worse."

Izuku looked at the torn suit. "Lean back."

The girls listened. Izuku popped off the tops of his gloves and held both hands over the suit, making sure his web-shooters were aimed at the tear. The angle hurt his wrists. He pressed his fingers down. Webbing shot out and covered the hole. It wasn't totally sealed, but it would help.

The two girls stared in awe, before realizing their hands had also been caught. Izuku smiled sheepishly and pulled out his knife, swiftly cutting their hands out. The pair shook their wrists, pulling off the remaining web.

"Stay here," Izuku ordered. "I'll go help your classmates." He stood up slowly, trying not to alert the mist's darting eyes. It seemed to be watching the students.

"I don't know about the others," the pink suited girl said, "but I saw Yaoyorozu, Jirou, and Kaminari fall into the mountains." She pointed across the building.

Izuku nodded. He jumped off the side of the stairs, landing on a pile of broken stone. He hissed in pain, not realizing the jump had been so big. He pushed through, though, and stood up. As he started running, two big explosions let off.

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