Izuku reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone to call the police about a drunkard wandering around Dagobah Beach. He hightailed it back to the girl and saw that she had just finished putting away her stuff. She didn't seem too shaken by what happened, and Izuku supposed that was a good thing.

"You're Kumo, right?" she asked.

Izuku froze. "I'm who?"

"Kumo," she repeated, eyes glowing with excitement, "the vigilante."

Well. He had a name. That was new.

"I guess." He scratched the back of his neck. "Why-"

He stumbled back as the girl all but pounced on him. She patted down his arms, his legs, his back. He tried to get away, but her grip was relentless. "We could partner up," she said, pulling a measuring tape out of absolutely nowhere and wrapping it around his bicep. "You could help test out my babies and get some support items."


"My inventions! That's why I was at the beach so late. Free stuff ripe for the taking." She kept poking and prodding him. "We'll make the best team!"


The girl stopped and pulled away, grinning. "Hatsume Mei, at your service!"

And that was how Izuku found himself standing in front of a warehouse, listening to one of the many explosions inside. Well, the first time. Right now the warehouse was silent, and Izuku wasn't sure what to expect on the other side. On one hand, nothing was blowing up.

On the other, Mei was never quiet.

Fearing for his life, Izuku raised a closed fist and knocked. Normally he'd just walk right in and dodge whatever piece of technology Mei was frustrated with. But one of three things were happening in there when it was silent; Mei was sleeping, Mei was angry a baby wasn't working, or she was dead.

None of those things were good.

And there was no answer.

Izuku contemplated texting either Aizawa or Yamada that he was about to die and to set up his funeral. Bury him with his All Might plushie and signature book. Let them discover his vigilante tendencies. Mei would just have to live with the guilt.


Or maybe not. Maybe there was a fourth option he hadn't even considered. Mei wasn't even inside the warehouse.

He looked over his shoulder and found the girl standing a few feet away. She was in her typical support suit; tanktop, baggy pants, huge goggles planted on her head. She also had a cup of what appeared to be coffee with her.

He couldn't fathom as to why, seeing how it was already noon.

"You didn't tell me you'd be here," she said, stepping closer. Izuku moved to the side to allow her to unlock the door. "I thought you'd still be out for another week."

Izuku chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "Wrapped it up faster than I thought."

Mei hummed and pushed open both doors. They slammed against the wall, echoing through the building. She flicked a nearby switch, and one-by-one the lights above turned on. The warehouse looked mostly the same since the last time he was over. The only difference being the pile of unsuccessful attempts was larger.

"Why weren't you in the lab like usual?" Izuku asked, taking his usual seat at Mei's testing area. He let his gaze wander around the building, letting himself get familiar with everything again.

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