Jack was the only surviving child of Renie Lovell and cousin to Harry and Rose.

His younger brother, Blake, was lost in action during the war. They never recovered his body or found his whereabouts, if he was alive. Therefore, Blake was presumed dead.

Since the tragedy, Jack had gotten married to a woman named Irene Smith and they resided in America. Renie had never fully been herself since losing her son; there was still a lot of pain.

Sometimes, Renie felt like she had lost Jack too.

Their only contact for now were the letters they sent each other which Renie anticipated day and night.

"Okay." Rose heads to the front door. They were two envelopes on the floor, the first one was from Jack which Rose knew straight away.

But, the second one had Billy Kimber on it.

Intrigued and stunned, Rose begins to open the letter that her father had addressed.

Dear Rosella,

This letter comes to you from a heavy heart. You and your brother were my right hand. But, if thy right hand offend thee, you must cut it off.

I have my faults but you surely do also.

Rose scoffs. It was evident her father had gotten Roberts to write this, this wasn't his vocabulary.

One day, I won't be here. I have devoted my life, long or short, into making sure you and Harry can stand without the world kicking at your feet.

I know I hurt people at times.

But, I speak to you as my daughter.
You left me. You choose someone else over family. The both of you. You have engraved the lie in your hearts that I have abandoned and disowned you. Your mother held family to the highest calibre, she would be ashamed of you both. You have betrayed the principle of blood and fled as outcasts, abandoning me and the business. And for what?

"Love." Rose answers out loud, shaking with the letter in her hands.

"Rosie! Did you see any letters?" Renie calls out from the kitchen.

Rose quickly puts the letter from her dad under the doormat, heading straight back to the kitchen.

"Yes." She hands her aunt the letter from Jack.

"Is that all?"

"Yeah, it was the only one." Rose lies, trying to hide her emotions that were running all over the place.

"Alright then." Renie stretches and heads back upstairs.

Harry looks at his twin sister, trying to study her face. He could tell when something was bothering her and right now she looked infuriated, petrified and sad at the same time.

However, before he can even utter a sentence there's a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." Rose heads to the door, trying to distract herself.

"Tommy? Thought you were scared to go through the front door."

He takes off his peaky cap, "Well, today's not a day for being scared. I don't have much time ."

A Gangster With Roses • Tommy ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now