Chapter 2

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Sorry the last chapter was so short, I will try to make the future one's longer. Tris will arrive :)

        The next morning I wake up on a brown leather couch. Why am I sleeping on a couch? I look around to see Zeke's room, and then remember last night. We had so much fun just talking together. I groan and roll over onto my side so I can see the analog clock precariously placed over the mantle. It's 9:38, the choosing ceremony started at 9, so the new initiates will be here around 10:15. 

        I'm not going to the choosing ceremony mainly because if I go, I might have to see my father. I still feel as if he will always be looking for ways to get revenge on me, for choosing Dauntless. It's also painful to see all those 16 year olds who don't know what they're going to choose. It reminds me of me when I was in that position.

        I walk briskly back to my apartment and get ready quickly; I don't want to be late for the initiates! The hallways are empty as I make my way over to the Net, one of the tests all initiates go through before joining Dauntless. It's almost 10 o'clock and I have nothing to do, but I don't feel like talking to anyone right now. I lean back on the brick wall staring at the thread that creates the Net. 

        They weave in between each other, being supported while at the same time supporting others. Holding onto each other. I stand there in deep thought for a while, until I start to hear talking from the roof above. 

        Max stands on the ledge of the roof, telling the initiates the same thing I heard, that they have to jump off the roof. I hear a girl speak from above, probably asking Max serious, I wouldn't know. I hear a 'yes' from max above, a silence and then another answer. It sounds as if the initiates this year are curious. 

        For a minute no one up there speaks, no one wanting to get up there to jump first. But then something amazing happens. Max steps aside and a gray figure takes his place. It pulls off a baggy shirt and throws it, revealing a tighter shirt underneath. I can hear catcalls as it faces the net, but of course it doesn't know the net's there. Then the figure does something even more amazing.

        It jumps.

        I hear a quiet 'oof' as she hits the net, breathing deeply with some difficulty. Then she laughs. Laughs. Wow this girl's tough. She thought that was fun. 

        I recover my senses and reach my hand out to the girl. She takes it and I pull her foreward. She almost falls face-forward into the ground but I move my hands to lift her onto her feet. 

        Her eyes are a mesmerizing stormy blue and her blonde hair is pulled into the neat bun all Abnegation girls wear. But just by looking at her I can tell she's different. 

        "Thank you" She says, looking into my eyes. 

        "Can't believe it," Lauren says from behind me "A Stiff, the first to jump first? Unheard of." 

        "There's a reason why she left them Lauren." I reply. Her face sports a look of pride, something no Abnegation would dream of doing "What's your name?" I ask her. 

        "Um..." She seems unsure, as if wanting to change it. 

        "Think about it," I say, thinking of myself when I chose not to reveal my name. "You don't get to pick again."

        "Tris," She says  firmly.

        "Tris," Lauren repeats, "Make the announcement, Four!

        I look over my shoulder at the crowd of people gathered to watch the new initiates "First Jumper-Tris!" I shout. The crowd cheers as another person jumps into the Net. Her screams follow her down. The crowd laughs and continues cheering. 

        I look back at Tris and put my hand on her back, feeling like I should say something more. "Welcome to Dauntless" 


        After I'm done helping the initiates out of the net, Lauren and I lead the initiates down the tunnel leading to the Pit. I can hear the initiates breathing heavily behind me, probably still recovering from the jump into the Net. I look back and see that the transfers all look disoriented in the tunnel. I got used to the lack of light a long time ago, and now find its familiarity comforting. 

        I stop along with Lauren, and we turn to face the initiates. 

        "This is where we divide," Lauren says "The Dauntless-born initiates  are with me. I assume you don't need a tour of the place." She smiles at them and beckons for them to follow. Lauren's a natural at this. She knows exactly when to add a joke into the conversation and when to stay serious. A natural born trainer. 

        The Dauntless-borns beak away from the transfers and head after Lauren. The transfers just stand there and watch as they melt into the shadows. I examine the initiates. This year we only have nine, that's pretty low. Tris is the only Abnegation transfer, while the others are from Erudite and Candor. 

        I adress the initiates. "Most of the time I work in the control room but for the next few weeks, I am your instructor. My name is Four." 

        "Four? Like the number?" A Candor girl near the back asks.

        I sigh inwardly. I was worried about this happening. "Yes," I reply coldly, "Is there a problem?"


        "Good." I continue "We're about to go to the Pit, which you will someday learn to love. It-"

        "The Pit? Clever name." The Candor girl snickers. This isn't okay. I need to put her in her place. I walk up to her and lean my face in close to hers. I stare at her for a second and then start talking.

        "What's your name?" I ask quietly. 

        "Christina," she squeaks. 

        "Well, Christina, if I wanted to put up with Candor smart mouths I would have joined their faction. The first lesson you will learn from me is to keep your mouth shut. Got that?"

        She nods slowly. I obviously made an impression on her. 

        I turn back and lead the initiates down the tunnel. Christina starts talking to Tris, but all I hear is "Jerk...doesn't like...laughed at." Great.

        I push the set of double doors at the end of the hall open, and lead them into the Pit. I watch as the initiates take it all in. 

        "Oh," says Christina quietly "I get it."

        The transfers take their time looking at the Pit. I was just like them when I saw it for the first time. The sheer rock walls, crowds of people are all very different than the other factions. 

        "If you follow me I'll show you the chasm." I wave them forward. I make my way over to the chasm. I should probably warn them. 

        "The chasm reminds us that there is a fine line between bravery and idiocy!" I shout over the wind. "A dare-devil jump off this ledge will end your life. You've been warned." 

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