The Prom

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"Your nickname's gonna be Honey Lemon."

Whoa whoa. I'm getting too far ahead of my self. Lets start from the beginning.

One day, well, as you can call it, the last day for the prom. Akiri (pronounced A cure ee.) Flemming was waiting for someone to ask her to the prom. But so far no luck. Everybody she meets meets shoves her into a locker. But finally, someone heard tears coming from locker 72.

"Hello? Is anybody there?"
"Yeah. It's Akiri. And you are?"
"Tadashi Hamada. I've seen you around school before and I was wondering..."
"... If you can get me out of here?"
"Oh. Sorry."
"Thank you."
"If you would like to go to the prom with me."
"Y-yes! I would love that! I'll see you tonight then."
"Yup. Tonight."

At home...

"Yes! I can't believe I finally asked her to the prom!"
"Who did you ask?"
"Hiro, have I not told you about the most beautiful girl in school? Akiri Flemming!"
"Oh, her. She is beautiful. You must look your best for tonight."
"He should be here any minute."

Two minutes after that, a car pulls in front of an apartment.

"Wow, Akiri, you look gorgeous."
"Thanks. So do you. Maybe we can go on a date sometime."
"That would be nice. So, what songs do you want me to put on the radio?"

Tadashi loves pop or anything that would get him up to jam. Akiri, not so much.

"Can you put on channel 72.0?"
"Umm, sure."

When Tadashi puts it on, its classical music. He thinks in his mind, are you sure sister.

"Are you sure classical?"

The prom was just about to start when they got there. Right before the. Slow music.

"So, Akiri. would you like some punch?"
"Yes please."

When Tadashi goes to get the punch, Fred come over to Akiri.

"Hey girl!"
"Hey Fred."
"I was thinking, you should have a nickname."
"What's it gonna be then."
"Hmmm. Your nickname is gonna be Honey Lemon."
"Sweet. I like it."

Tadashi come back with the punch and a few cookies for Honey.

"I saw Fred come and talk to you. What did he say?"
"He gave me a nickname. It's Honey Lemon."
"I actually like that."

"Then when Honey Lemon finished scarfing down the oatmeal raisin cookies, this happened.

"Uh oh! It's a slow song. Do you want to dance?"
"Of coarse I do!"

They really enjoyed doing the dancing and going to the prom with each other. Then when the song got romantic, they kissed. On the lips.

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