Mortal Combat

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Y/n POV:

It was the next day when I woke up to the annoying sound of an alarm clock in which I tried my hardest to ignore.
"Doll you need to wake up." A deep voice said to me sending vibrations to the warm surface under me. That's when it hit me I slept with fucking Bucky Barnes. "Doll Tony Said to be up early you are already ten minutes past your alarm."

"Shhhhh I'm gonna go wallow in my own pit of disappointment." I felt him smile at my remark. "If you're not going to get up doll. I can always make you." He said his voice coming to a deep and low whisper.

"Fine you asshole." I said getting out of the bed with my legs screaming for help. Gaining my balance I began limping my way to my suitcase for clothes but I couldn't find my ring.

"Shit shit FUCK!" Bucky looked over at me concerned. "Do you need anything doll?"
"I can't find my fucking ring." He looked even more concerned. "A ring?"

"Yes a fucking ring Bucky. It has my suit in it." He nodded and looked on his side of the room. I ran to the bathroom frantically looking for my ring. I checked the sink, I checked my makeup bag, I even checked my suitcase. Over came with anger I yelled, "FUCK" and slammed my hand down on the drawer the TV was on, making everything on it shake.

"Doll calm down I found it." He said holding up the ring with his other hand held up in a cautious manner. I let out an angry sigh. "Thank you." I said walking across the room still fuming from my outburst. He gave me the ring and put together a simple outfit while Bucky did the same in the bathroom. After we got dressed we cleaned up the room after our little encounter last night.

"Sooo that was a little heated." He said making the bed.
"Yes it was." I said picking up the clothes thrown on the floor from last night. "Can we please not tell the others please."

"I wasn't planning on it. But how are you going to explain to Tony about why you can't walk." I bit the inside of my cheek and sighed. "I'll figure it out."

It didn't take us long to clean the room. By the time we were finished someone came banging on the door.
"Lady Y/n open the door please." I opened the door while Bucky snickered at Thor's presence.
"Can you be any louder at this point I think Karen down the hall could hear you."

"My apologies Lady Y/n but Tony wants all of us downstairs in the lobby in 5."
"Thank you I'll be down in a sec." Thor nodded and took a glance inside the room smirking when he saw Bucky.

"Oh and can you two not be so loud I couldn't sleep listening to-"
"OMG can't you not!?"I said pushing him away from the doorway.
"I mean you two were pretty loud. Bucky I'm close BUCKYY." He said mimicking a female voice.

"JESUS FUCKING CHRIST please don't tell the others." He motioned zipping his mouth shut and throwing away a key. I gave up pushing him out the hallway because it wasn't doing anything since he was basically 90% muscle.


We made it to the lobby with everyone there except Tony.
"Where's Tony?" Steve asked
"He's not likely trying to make a grand entrance. You know how it is." I said taking a seat at one of the cushioned benches. As if on cue Tony walks in with a tablet and a stressed look on his face. Thank hot I was sitting down because he would've noticed I wouldn't be able to stand right now. He swiped the tablet to reveal a hologram of the earth. He took a moment to collect his thoughts and began talking.

Bucky's POV:

Everyone was silent waiting for a location to save these kids. The tension became unbearable.
"So I found a location being the genius I am."

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