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Liz would have rather been anywhere else, the list might as well have been endless. The way she had spent the last hour staring at the time on the top right corner of her laptop, praying for it to speed up.

And eventually it did, but the time she spent waiting for it to happen felt like absolute torture. She had considered getting actually tortured, just to get out of that seat she had been sat in for what felt like eternity. She couldn't believe it was only Tuesday, and that she was subject to another 3 days of this before she could get some rest.

But that's just the price of being a uni student, endless lectures and boring professors whose voices could (and on several occasions, had) put her straight to sleep.

As soon she shut her laptop and shoved it in her book bag, Liz couldn't stop thinking about the bed waiting for her on the other side of campus. The thought of taking a nap on that small single bed in that tiny room was ironically the only thing keeping her going. And after a long and undoubtedly stressful weekend preparing for upcoming exams and final assignments, a nap was beyond deserved.

It wasn't raining for once, which was always nice. It rained a lot in London and while the rain was always nice when you had the option to stay inside your bedroom and watch movies- walking across campus whilst being soaked wasn't exactly fun. Not for Liz anyways.

Once she had reached her room, she was beyond grateful that she had cleaned it up the night before. Coming home to a messy room when you're already exhausted isn't what she'd call relaxing.

Liz quickly peeled off her coat and plopped right onto her bed, phone in hand. She spent a few minutes responding to messages before putting her phone down and closing her eyes.

She had been waiting to sleep practically since she woke up, but as soon as she shut her eyes her phone began to ring.

She let out a loud groan before rolling over and picking up her phone to see who was calling.

Incoming Call

Liz furrowed her eyebrows, trying to figure out what Josh could possibly have to say to her. Of course him calling her was nothing out of the ordinary, he often checked in on her. All of the boys were like that, and it made her happy. She genuinely felt loved by all of them, that's why she never called them her brother's friends. They were just as much hers.

But, she had only just seen him a few nights ago when they were at Simon and JJ's flat. So it didn't make sense for him to be checking up on her so soon.

So with a frustrated groan, she answered the call and pressed the phone to her ear.

"Hello?" She mumbled, her voice a bit sleepy from her almost-nap.

"Liz!" Josh's voice was a bit frantic, clearly relieved that she had picked up the phone, "you alright?"

She let out a small chuckle, the sleep still evident in her voice, "everything alright, Josh?"

"Yeah, yes, everything's good." He replied, "are you done with classes for the day?"

"I am, yeah. I just got back to my room. Is there something you wanted?"

"So," He started, in a voice that sounded a bit too excited, "we're out filming a bingo video right now and needed your help."

She rolled her eyes, her very sleepy eyes.

"Alright, what is it?" She asked, knowing that she was about to be dragged into filming rather than finishing her much anticipated nap.

"Well two things, actually," Josh spoke fast, "the first is that we need to find somebody related to one of the Sidemen and you obviously fit that requirement."

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