Chapter 7 - Escaper

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Y/n's phone beeped, she checked impatiently hoping it's from Rafe because he still hadn't got JD home, and it was from him.
"Hey, Y/n sorry I got caught up in some work I sent Daniel to pick JD up."
Y/n instantly furrowed her eyebrows, grabbed her keys and stormed out.
"Y/n where are you going?" Her dad shouted after her,
"I'm going to pick up Jason, I'll be back" she replied before getting into her car speeding up
"Oh this girl, she hasn't changed a bit" her dad sighed and got back into the house

She drove fast to get in time, not because she was scared Daniel would harm Jason, she still trusted him with her life, but she felt nervous to see him again, she wanted to run away from that decision, the truth is she had no idea what she wanted to do with her life.
She parked and shortly noticed Jason running out with the other kids, she smiled relieved and got out to him.
"JD!" She waved at him
"Mom!" the boy immediately ran to her hug" where is uncle Rafe?"
"He had some work, but cheer up you're going to see grandpa today," she explained
"So lovely! Introduce him to his grandma too" a female voice interrupted from a distance, they both turned around
Y/n's heart started racing on the presence of the face that she hadn't seen in years, she pulled her son behind her in defence
"What do you want?" Y/n scoffed
"Oh honey I wanted to join the family reunion, I see you and that pogue have created a little bastard after throwing me in jail" she replied smirking at JD who was looking at her disturbed "if it wasn't for that boy we would still be a family"
"Stay away from me and my son, JJ is not with us anymore" Y/n spoke furiously and put JD in the car "we were never a family to begin with,"
"It was about time that bastard left you with a child, but at least I'll get to repay you at something valuable to both of you for ruining my life" her mom spoke as she referred to the little boy inside the car
"He is not his son, JJ is dead and now I'm married to the man I love, stay away from us or I'll call the police" Y/n muttered
"How do you think I got out?" She asked sarcastically "you ruined my life you know that?"
"Just leave us alone" Y/n begged "I have a family now, he is not JJ's son"
"What's going on Y/n?" Daniel interrupted
"I- Uh nothing babe," Y/n hesitated "let's just get our son and go home" she grabbed Daniel's arm in fear as he looked around confused
"Is everything okay?" He asked as he furrowed his eyebrows at the lady standing there
"Yes, it's just the woman who gave me birth" Y/n muttered holding her tears
"We're not done here my lovely daughter" her mom laughed hysterically as Y/n and Daniel got in the car

"What's going on Y/n? Was that your mom?" Daniel asked as Y/n was speeding off of that place
"JD baby, are you okay?" She asked in a panic ignoring Daniel
"Yes mom" the little boy answered
"Y/n please look at me, please slow down and park somewhere" Daniel spoke slowly,
Y/n snapped back at reality, she was going at an extremely high speed and followed Daniel's advice and parked.
"Talk to me Y/n what happened?" He asked looking at Y/n who started crying
"She has gotten out of jail," Y/n shouted "I'm afraid she'll try and hurt my son for putting her in jail, I- I told her he is our son and we're married"
"It's okay Y/n, look at me. She can't hurt you, I'll always protect you two," Daniel responded holding her hand
"She wants revenge for putting her in jail,"
"Marry me" Daniel hesitated
"What?" Y/n asked confused in tears
"Marry me and we'll be a family, I'll always be by your side this way nothing can harm you" he continued
"Mom, does this mean we will be a family?" Jason spoke excitedly from the backseat
Y/n inhaled deeply and wiped her tears, she knew this was the best for her son and not what she wanted, however, she had to put her son's life and safety first
"Of course we'll be a family" Y/n turned to JD smiling, he just cheered
"I promise you won't regret this" Daniel whispered "you'll be safe with me"
"Are we still going to see grandpa?" JD asked
"Yes we will" Y/n replied to JD "and we will keep what happened today a secret okay?"
"Yes because we are a family now," JD giggled
Y/n just smiled despite the frightening feeling in her gut.

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