The Meet

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Okay, here I am. I still can't believe I won these tickets, I mean out of probably a thousand people, I was chosen. I have been looking forward to this day since I won the tickets, and I'm positive Lexi can't wait to see Magcon either. We are both 16 and in love with magcon, if you've seen our rooms it's pretty obvious.


The line was moving pretty fast considering how many people were waiting. Lexi and I were only a few feet away from the one and only Cameron Dallas! My heart was beating faster and faster every inch I took. I could tell Lexi felt the same way, she was doing that weird foot tapping thing she does when she's excited. Finally the line moved a little more and we were the next people to meet Magcon! I walked up to Cam first and gave him a huge hug, he told me he liked my shoes which were just regular, plain old red converse. I said thanks and got my picture taken with him. Basically nothing all that exciting happened with Cameron, my fantasy is really just a fantasy apparently. I moved on to Nash next. I hugged him like normal but something felt strange about his hug, not a bad strange, a good strange. I know it sounds crazy but I felt something with Nash that I didn't feel with Cameron, I'm not sure exactly what I felt but I felt something. He wrote his number on a piece of paper and handed the paper to me. I started to freak. Did Nash seriously just give me his number?

{Authors Note: sorry guys, I'm a new writer so it might not be the greatest but hopefully I will get better. Tell me what u guys think. Sorry about the short chapter.}

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