The stage is ours.

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Okay so it's after the meet and greet now and they are about to come on stage to perform and I can't wait to see Nash again! Lexi and I are struggling to get to the front of the stage, it's amazing how aggressive these girls are, one of them literally hit me in the face.


Finally, right before they came on stage, we made it to the front where we could be seen perfectly by all the guys.

First to come on stage was Jack G, let me just say he's hot. After Jack was Nash, he ran onto the stage and jumped on Jacks back, everyone laughed and took pics. Nash looked around the crowd, he seemed like he was searching for something, someone. His eyes gazed at the crowd until he stopped and stared at me, at least I think it was me. Nash smiled and winked at me. I smiled back. His staring was interrupted by Cameron who came out screaming something but I couldn't tell what.


After everyone was out on stage, the real show started. First Cameron smacked Carter in the face with, what seemed to be, soap. Carter was in shock at first but was quick to slap Cam back. After the whole smack fest, the Jacks sang a few of their songs. It seemed like time was flying by, next thing I knew the show was over and everyone was being escorted. We were the last to leave, and that was a good thing because on our way out we ran right into Taylor Caniff. We both took some pictures with him and hugged him. Taylor decided he was gonna give me his bandana, so I was freaking out on the inside but managed to stay cool on the outside. After that whole experience, we got in out car and started to drive to the nearest hotel to see if they had any open hotel rooms.

The day of Magconحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن