16 | Stardust Gatherings

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As Bhanu and Suthanu walked together, their gazes intertwined, they approached Yudhisthira's chambers. Bhanu nodded gracefully as Suthanu ventured inside, her presence welcomed by her father ever she knew.

Yudhisthira sat humbly on the ground, surrounded by scrolls that bore the weight of the kingdom's destiny.

"Pita," Suthanu called tenderly, and Yudhisthira's furrowed brow eased as he set aside the scrolls, his eyes turning towards his beloved daughter. "Come in, child," he beckoned, his voice filled with paternal warmth.

Suthanu's smile radiated like a sunbeam as she took her place beside Yudhisthira. Their bond transcended the boundaries of formality, a testament to the depth of their connection.

"Pita, Rajkumar Bhanu has come to a decision. He awaits your permission outside," Suthanu relayed, and Yudhisthira shook his head gently.

"Bhanu," he called, and with a smile, Bhanu entered the chamber, his heart brimming with affection that Yudhishthira's tone held. "Child, long ago, I granted you permission to enter my chambers without the need for formalities. Now, as my beloved son, you possess every right to be here by my side."

Overwhelmed with gratitude, Bhanu marveled at the blessings bestowed upon him. "I wonder if anyone else could ever be blessed as I am, Pita," he expressed, his smile revealing the depths of his admiration. "Each time we meet, I am filled with this profound feeling more deeper."

Yudhisthira's tender smile glistened with unshed tears as he placed his palm upon Bhanu's head, gently tousling his curls. In that moment, he reminisced about his lost sons, for whom he would have dedicated countless nights only if they had been there sharing light - hearted banters. However, his attention shifted to the sorrow hidden within Bhanu's eyes, born from his own pain.

"Tell me, child, what decision have you made?" Yudhisthira inquired softly, his voice a soothing balm.

"Pita, since my childhood, I have heard tales of your greatness and witnessed it firsthand. Yet, it is now, after spending these precious days in your company, that I realize words have failed to capture the true essence of your noble character," Bhanu spoke, his smile radiant. "Samrat asked me to make a decision, but I stand before my father to share it first. If you deem my choice inappropriate, then pita you have your answer - I am not eligible for the throne. If you find it worthy, then I humbly request you to guide me accordingly."

Yudhisthira's palm rested upon Bhanu's shoulder, and for a moment, his gaze met Suthanu's before returning to Bhanu. "A father is listening," he assured, his voice suffused with unwavering support.

"Pita, I wish to pass the mantle of the throne to Ajay, who possesses both the capability and rightful claim," Bhanu's words were met with a poignant silence as Yudhisthira withdrew his hand.

"I am blessed to be a father to children such as you," Yudhisthira whispered tenderly, placing his palm upon the heads of both Suthanu and Bhanu. "By making this decision, you prove, my child, that my choice in you as the ruler was just. I honor your decision, Bhanu, but in my eyes, you will forever remain the epitome of ideals. However, it is of utmost importance that Ajay accepts the throne as well. Let me summon him."

Yudhisthira's command echoed through the halls as the guard in his chamber left to notify Ajay.

Ajay swiftly arrived, bowing respectfully. "Pranaam Tathshree. Is there an urgent matter that brings you to summon me at this hour?" he inquired.

"There is a matter of great significance, Rajakumar," Yudhisthira gestured for Ajay to take a seat, a gentle smile gracing his lips. "Ajay, let me be direct. Bhanu wishes to bestow upon you the mantle of rule over Indraprastha."

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