Princess Switch-Part 9 (Adrienette)

Start from the beginning

Prince Adrien-(Stops searching) Ah.

Marinette-Yes,clos one.

Prince Adrien-Right.

Nino-Cooled down?

Miss Alya-Yes.There we go.I feel much better now.It's fine.

Timeskip when they reached the palace and are wrapping the presents

Prince Adrien-(Wrapping the presents)

Marinette-(Comes in with a tray full of ginger man cookies) Here.Try this.

Prince Adrien-(Chuckles and takes one and bites it)

Marinette-(Gives him a how is it look)

Prince Adrien-Where did the Duchess learn to bake like this?

Marinette-(Laughs) My father.

Prince Adrien-(Looks at her) Your Father?The Grand Duke of Montenero baked cookies?

Marinette-Best cookies in the world.

Prince Adrien-You miss him dont you?

Marinette-I'm generally not the sentimental type,but doing things like this helps keep a piece of the past alive.

Queen Emillie-(Walking by the room but stops to listen to the conversation but hides

Prince Adrien-Yes,I know what you mean.I used to love the smell of turkey roasting at Christmas.

Queen Emillie-(Smiles)

Prince Adrien-It meant my cousins were coming over to play.(Stands up) That was a long time ago.

Marinette-It's still all right to play sometimes.

Prince Adrien-(Chuckles wryly) Not so sure about that.

Marinette-Well,I am.

Prince Adrien-All right.

Queen Emillie-(Smiles and leaves) 

Timeskip to when the kids in the shelter were opening the presents

Kids-(Singing "We wish you a merry christmas" song)

The same girl-(Is wearing the toy crown) Look!I really am a princess.

Marinette-(Bows) Your Majesty!

By the way they're near the christmas tree

A boy-Excuse me.You're standing under the mistletoe.

Marinette and Prince Adrien-(Look up to see a mistletoe)

Prince Adrien-Ah,so we are.(Leans in)

Marinette-(Leans in too)

Marinette and Prince Adrien-(Kisses)

The same girl-Who wants to play twister.

Prince Adrien-Ah,twister my favourite game.

Meanwhile with Bridgette

Olivia-So are we going out tonight.

Felix-We're going to bed.We have to be in the competition at 8:00 am tomorrow.



Olivia-Can Marinette tuck me in.


Olivia runs upstairs

Bridgette-(Follows her)

Olivia-(Shows a sad face) So,I guess your leaving tonight.

Bridgette-I don't have a choice.

Olivia-I wish you could stay.

Bridgette-(Sighs and sits on the bed) I wish I could too.But you'll have Marinette back.And I have to do my duty.

Olivia-Which means you have to do things even though you don't want to do them?

Bridgette-Something like that.

Olivia-That's not fair.

Bridgette-Its complicated,but I will never forget you and your father.You'll always be special too me.

Olivia-But your meant be here.

Bridgette-I'm afraid I can't get to decide things like that.

Olivia-You should.

Felix and Bridgette were talking

Marinette and Prince Adrien were talking

Prince Adrien-(Gives her a present)

Marinette-Wow!! It's beautiful!!  "Veritas,Anoris,Amare."

Prince Adrien-"Truth,Honor,and

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Prince Adrien-"Truth,Honor," 

Marinette-The family crest.The one from the painting.It belonged to your grandmother.

Prince Adrien-Bridgette if I am being truthful..I was worried about us our wedding,about...not knowing who you are.


Prince Adrien-But after today,I'm not worried anymore.

Marinette-You really are Prince Charming.(Leans in and Kisses him)

Prince Adrien-(Kisses back)

Me:I know I know.That was sudden.

Prince Adrien-(About to kiss her again)

Marinette-I...(Moves away so that they don't kiss again)

Prince Adrien-Did I do something wrong?

Marinette-No.No,you did everything right.

Prince Adrien-Well,then I'll see you in the morning.

Marinette-(Nods) You will see your Duchess in the morning.(Leaves)

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