Princess Switch-Part 8 (Adrienette)

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Hey guys welcome back to part 8 of Princess Switch!!Without further a do let's start the story.

Prince Adrien and Marinette-(Walks down the stairs)

Marinette-(Bows) Your Majesties.

Queen Emillie and King Gabriel-(Turns around and looks at her)

Queen Emillie-Oh,you look stunning,my dear.

Marinette-Oh,thank you.

King Gabriel and Prince Adrien-(Looks at each other and smile)

Prince Adrien-You've outdone yourself again this year,Mother.

Queen Emillie-(Smiles)

Prince Adrien-The people at St.Andrew's will be thrilled.

Marinette-How many families actually live in the shelter?

Queen Emillie-I don't know exactly.Quite a few.

Marinette-Is there a full time staff there or just volunteers?

King Gabriel-We don't concern ourselves with the details.We have people for that.

Marinette-Of cou...Of course.I didn't...

Prince Adrien-(Helps her) I have an idea.


Prince Adrien-How about you play something for us?

Marinette-(Eyes widen) Oh!Oh,no,no.I'm very rusty.

Queen Emillie-Nonesense!

Marinette-(Looks at her)

Queen Emillie-I hear you're quite gifted.

Marinette-(Thinking:God what should I do) Oh.

King Gabriel-Who would like to hear the Duchess play?

(Croud Applauds)

Prince Adrien-You can't say no.(Takes her to the Piano)

Marinette-(Sits down)

(Croud Gathers)

Marinette-(Nervous and exhales shakily) 

Prince Adrien-Stage fright?

Marinette-Something like that.

Prince Adrien-How about we play a duet?


Prince Adrien-(sits next to her and looks at her) How about "Carol of the bells." you play the bells.I'll play the rest.

Marinette-I don't know the chords.

Prince Adrien-Well,they're simple.(Takes her hand like this)

(Takes her hand like this)

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Me:Ohh how cute.

Prince Adrien-It's these four notes.(Plays Notes)

Marinette-(Looks at him) Right.

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