threes a crowd

Mary-Jane (mj 💨)
Charlie (big C 🪦)
Catie (little C 🌸)

mj 💨
guess who's back bitches

little C 🌸
ur finally back on ur phone!!

mj 💨
pls i know
turned all of my notifs off
my phone is majorly blowing up

big C 🪦
what the hell is going on
josh? olivia? sabrina carpenter????
how is she involved

little C 🌸
i'm also confused about that

mj 💨
trust me i'm confused too
she thinks the blonde in
drivers license is her

little C 🌸
is she dumb
it's clearly u

mj 💨
she's convinced herself

big C 🪦
are u doing okay?
there's like an online war
mj stans v olivia stans
mj x josh v olivia x josh
now sabrina stans are involved

little C 🌸
do they even know what
they're fighting for

big C 🪦
no one knows what
they're fighting for

mj 💨
the quick rundown is
when i heard drivers
license i visited liv
i knew it was about me and
i had to talk to her about it
she admitted it was about
me and we had a nice
conversation, no bad blood
between us
we understand each other's feelings

big C 🪦
women >>>>

mj 💨
i've been hanging out w her
today, we've not been on our phones
watching harry potter as we should
i haven't spoken to josh but
i feel like i should
we're both involved, yknow?
idk how to or what olivia thinks
or should she talk to him first?

little C 🌸
omg you've been w
olivia all day!!
i'd talk to olivia about
the josh thing

big C 🪦
u talk to him first
ur probs on better terms
w him than she is

little C 🌸
yeah seems like u are
idk still ask olivia

mj 💨
ok ok
gonna do that

big C 🪦
which means ur gonna
disappear forever

mj 💨
no i swear😩😩
i'll be back soon <3
i'll update u

little C 🌸
we'll be waiting

god this is such a bad idea-



did you call me just to sit in silence?

we should talk. scratch that, we have to talk.

i agree. i cant believe olivia would do this.


she's clearly jealous of you, we all know why but to put us on blast and make the internet hate us was so messed up.

i don't think it was spiteful, joshua. she was just expressing her feelings, we all have a right to.

what? listen, you're not making sense. come over and we'll talk about this properly.


"that little rat hung up on me"


IM BACK AND WE'RE BETTER THAN EVER!! my phone is here 😮‍💨 coming back was so fun cause i got to read all of the new comments and it was entertaining pls

thank u to everyone still here, i appreciate the votes/comments on my last chapter💖💖 when this one is up for a while i might delete it since i'm back but that's only if i can be bothered🧍🏻‍♀️

ok idk if this chapter was a lil confusing but in the first para the italics are mj & liv is underline. it's basically them talking during liv and sabrina dm

i have a full chapter written about why liv released drivers license which would have went
in a completely diff direction, i might post it as a bonus chapter when this finishes?? lmk if that's something you'd like to see :)

also gonna try update soon to make up for being ia lol

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