I'm Fat

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'Ew you're fat!' That's something Kageyama hears on a weekly, if not daily basis. Everywhere he goes, someone always feels entitled to make a comment about his body. 

It's not only strangers, no, it's his own family as well, feeding him less thinking he wouldn't notice. 

People forget that he is only a child all of a sudden, they neglect the possibility of their words hurting him, making him feel worthless. 

They preach suicide prevention, they always say that they want their kids to feel safe, but they never help him.

They don't even bat an eye.

Kageyama is sadly used to it, it never hurts any less but know he expects to get hurt. Everywhere he goes he is just waiting for someone to say something that hurts him, they always do. 

He joined the volleyball club at Karasuno last year hoping to avoid his old teammates. 

His previous teammates would fat shame him, make 'jokes' about him and they would never apologise. 

Iwaizumi stuck up for Kageyama when he could, which Kageyama is grateful for, but Iwaizumi alone couldn't stop the relentless bullying Kageyama went through when he was in that team. 

After that experience Kageyama searched for a more accepting school, that's how he found Karasuno. 

They preached rights for any minority you could think of, except fatphobia of course, nobody preaches against it. 

When he joined he was nervous, he knew that strangers would probably still be rude but he was hoping he'd have an accepting team and that's exactly what he got. 

Sugawara and Daichi were to thank for that, they corrected people if they said something fatphobic and helped Kageyama open up.

Hinata and Nishinoya could sometimes make digs at his weight but they never meant for it to hurt Kageyama. 

They make fun of everyone for everything, they just weren't aware of how much the setter had already been through. 

On a whole, the team has been more accepting than he could ever imagine, but now with the third years leaving, Kageyama is worried. 

What will the new first years say? Will they be the ones to bully Kageyama, he sure hoped not. 

Kageyama was confident that Ennoshita and Yamaguchi would try and help the first years be more respectful and understand that being fatphobic is wrong. 

He also knew that if the first years tried anything Hinata, Tanaka and Nishinoya would be out for blood. 

Tsukishima and Kageyama have always had a strange relationship, they were definitely friends but they didn't function how normal friends would. 

They had this relationship where they would constantly make jabs at each other but it had a friendly tone to it. 

Tsukishima has never made a jab at Kageyama's weight nor physique, Kageyama thinks Tsukishima is aware of his insecurities to some extent. 

Tsukishima is very careful about what he says around everyone though, it seems that he has been hurt in the past and doesn't want to hurt anyone else. 

All in all Kageyama loves his team and everyone in it but he is nervous for the change, he doesn't want Suga and Daichi to leave, and as bad as it sounds, he doesn't really want anyone new to join.

He likes their dynamic right now. 

Change is something you can't avoid and he knows it, he'll just have to tackle whatever comes at him, even if it means saying bye to Suga and Daichi.


Word Count: 589

Hey guys!! These are going to be 400-700 word updates so not to long but I think it was important to use my platform to bring awareness to issues like this and what better way to do this than to write a fanfic? Anyways, hope you all enjoyed and see you in the next chapter <3

Fat- Tsukikage/KagetsukiWhere stories live. Discover now