The Mafia's Unknown Love Pt. 19

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Jungkook: Love, I am going upstairs to get my phone, okay? Be careful alright?!

Yoona: Okay!! Don't worry about me.

-Jungkook then went upstairs and got his phone. He saw 2 missed calls from Jin. While Yoona was cutted something, she started feeling a very bad cramp right at the center of her stomach. The pain is unbearable, more worse than a period cramp. The knife fell to the floor while she was holding on to the counter. The first thing that came to her mind was to call Jungkook.-

Yoona: Jungkook!!!!!! Jungkook!!!! Please, come quick!!!! It's hurting!!

-Jungkook, on the other hand, was talking to Jin, he heard Yoona and immediately cutted the call and went running down the stairs. When he got to the kitchen he saw Yoona crying in pain and a liquid coming down her legs. He understood that it was the time for their baby to come. He went towards her and helped her.-

Yoona: Jungkook, it's paining a lot!!

Jungkook: I know love, it's time for our baby to come.

Yoona: Then we have to go to the hospital. Let's g- Ahhhhhhh!!!!!! It hurts!!! I can't take this!!

Jungkook: Breathe in, breathe out. I saw that it helps to suppress the pain.

Yoona: Ok!! -Breathes in, breathes out- It does help.

Jungkook: Alright, keep doing it to the car.

-Jungkook slowly went with Yoona to the car. Once they got there, he slowly sitted her in the car then seated himself. He started the car and went straight to the hospital. He was driving fast to get to the hospital but careful so he doesn't get into an accident. Once he got there, he left the car and carefully went with Yoona inside the hospital. Once he got inside he called the doctor.-

Jungkook: Someone help, my wife is about to give birth.

 -Nurses and doctors came and took Yoona into the room. They told him to go with her. The nurses changed Yoona's outfit and brought some things to help.-

Nurse: We will begin now.

Doctor: Hold this and hold you husband's hand.

-The nurses gave her a ball and she holded Jungkook's hand very tightly.-

Jungkook: Ouch!!

Yoona: You can't say anything!!! What you are feeling it's 9 times less than my pain.

Doctor: Okay. Now I will need you to push as hard as you can. When I count to 3 you push. 1...2..3!

Yoona: AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~

Doctor: Very good. Again, 1..2..3!

Yoona: AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~

Doctor: Again!

Yoona: AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~ -Tears going to her face- I can't do this anymore~ I can't!

Jungkook: Love, listen to me, you can do this. You are very strong and too, our baby is on the way, you can do this. Think about how happy our family will be. Think about all our memories together and the memories that you, me, and our baby will do. Be the strong girl that you are.

Yoona: Okay!!

Doctor: Let's do it again. 1...2...3 and push!!

Yoona: AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~ -Yoona pressed Jungkook's hand very hard.-

Doctor: I am seeing it's head. Again!


Doctor: Ok, I got babies head! I will need you to push 2 more times ok!! 1..2..3!! Push!!!


Doctor: Alright! Just one more push.

Jungkook: Just one more push, love!

Yoona: For our kid and family!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Baby: -Cries-

Jungkook: You did it love!! You did it!!!

Nurse: Congratulations!! You have a baby boy!!

Yoona: Can I hold him?~~~

Nurse: Yes. Here.

-The nurse gives the baby to Yoona. She looks at the baby with full of love and care. She is tired but for her baby she would do anything.-

Yoona: Look at him Jungkook. He has your mouth and nose.

Jungkook: And he has you eyes, chubby cheeks, and your small little cute hands!

Yoona: -Looks at Jungkook- Thanks for giving me love and child.

Jungkook: -Looks at Yoona- Your welcome love. I love you two and I will do anything for you two and to keep you both safe!

-Jungkook kisses Yoona and then kissed her on her forehead. They both look at their baby with so much adoration and love.-

Jungkook: What are we going to name him?

Yoona: Jeon Sang-won. We are going to name him Jeon Sang-won.

Mafias Unknown Love; Jeon Jungkook FfUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum