First day: chapter 4

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I woke up to Tom busting through the door with a pan with pancakes, I look at the Time. " Tom why'd you wake me up late" I groan. " I wanted to make you late to your first day" he said. " I take long getting ready so get out!" I shouted.

He chuckled and back away when I threw my pillow at him. He smiled and closed the door, I got up and took a small shower. I wore a green blazer with a white top that looked like a wedding dress top.
And a green pair of pants with a belt. I curled my hair and out of some short boots.

I went down stairs and went to the dining table, " I'm doing soccer try outs today so we'll be coming home a little late" Tom explained. I nodded" I'll be trying out for hockey". " what team" he asked " the mighty ducks, it's the neighbors team" I took a bite the the bacon.

" i don't trust him y/n" I sigh at his words "you should tom cause we are stuck here forever" I put my plate on the sink and grabbed my backpack and we both headed to school.

I walked in with Tom by my side. " I hate today" he sighed. " see you after school I guess" I said. I walked looking around for the next class I was taking.

After school I sat down on the bench outside and took out my book. I heard some skating so I turned around. It was Charlie, he sat down next to me " hey y/n, what are you reading" he asked. " I showed him the cover. " my mom reads that, all tho I don't get the point of the book" he said. " if you read the first chapter and only the first chapter then you aren't gonna understand it. It gets better on chapter 3" I said.

" where you headed to now?" He asked. " home, I wanna cook something for my mother before she gets home" I said. " I'll help you, I've got nothing to do ethier way" he said. I nodded and smiled " we can invite the others too." I said. We walked to the anera where the were playing. " hey guys" I said. They were all sitting in the bleachers drinking water. " hi y/n" they said. Charlie sat down next to Adam. " do you guys wanna go to my house with Charlie" I asked. " I've got plans" Jesse and Goldberg said. " I'm grounded"dean said. " of course you are" Charlie said. " so Adam, Jules, Connie, guy?" Charlie asked. " we'll go" guy said. I nodded.

" we'll then I'll see you guys there" I said. Me and Charlie left to the grocery store and got ingredients. " hopefully it turns out good" Charlie said.

We got to my house and I saw Tom and the dining table reading a news paper. " hi Tom" I said. He looked up and nodded. We put the groceries on the counter and began. After a few minutes Adam, Connie, guy and Julie came over and helped. Me and Julie were talking when Connie came to us. " y/n, Adam is asking for you" she said I looked at Julie and got up to go to the kitchen. He took my hand and led me to my backyard. " so what'd you wanna talk about?" I asked, " are you and Charlie getting close" he asked me. " uhm, we're getting to know each other since we don't really talk, why?" I asked. " I was just asking" he said bluntly. He walked away and into the house. I nodded and walked back in.

HII😻 I haven't posted since September...... I've been really busy these past few months, sorry for not uploading this sooner but I'll try to upload more to this story frequently now :)

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